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Freddy José Castillo found lifeless in his home

Freddy José Castillo Castillo was found dead in his residence located in the urban perimeter of El Difícil, municipal seat of Ariguaní, Magdalena. The discovery occurred on Wednesday morning, when a relative arrived at his home and discovered the body hanging by the neck with a rope tied to a ceiling beam.

In a desperate attempt to save him, the relative asked other relatives for help to take him down, but their efforts were in vain; Freddy no longer showed vital signs. It was learned that the last time anyone had seen him alive was the night of the previous Tuesday, and since then, those close to him had not heard from him until the discovery.

The news has left the community in shock, especially his family. “We don’t understand why she decided to do it. There were no signs that anything was wrong,” said a close relative.

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