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Violent vehicle theft in Tarapacá decreased by 58.4% between January and April 2024

As part of the actions to prevent violent car theft throughout the country, the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Eduardo Vergara, reported on the progress and results of inter-institutional work to confront this criminal phenomenon in the region.

Along these lines, the authority confirmed the 58.4% drop in violent vehicle theft in Tarapacá between January and April 2024 compared to the previous period, as part of the implementation of different strategies and operational measures and efforts made to achieve a drastic drop in crimes.

The figures released aim to reinforce the path outlined together with local authorities, unions and the police to have greater preventive tools, which aim to reduce the number of crimes through the identification, persecution and sentencing of gangs dedicated to this type of crime and specify the vehicle recovery plan.

Within the framework of the Task Force against violent vehicle theft at the national level, for 2024, the authority announced two axes to be developed throughout the country that aim to, on the one hand, establish a recovery plan for stolen vehicles, through coordination between custody centers or stationary areas, the Public Ministry, the police and the Association of Insurance Companies of Chile to expedite the return of stolen cars to their victims.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, strengthen the work with the regional tables based on the needs of each territory and promoted by the regional public security coordinators of the SPD.

“We will continue to intensify the work together with our police, private and other State institutions, placing special focus on regions, because, although we have managed to break the curve and this crime is on the decline, as long as there are victims, we are going to intensify actions that help dismantle these criminal gangs,” said Vergara.

The strengthening of actions and the installation of this task force to confront this crime has been established in the Arica, Antofagasta, Tarapacá, Valparaíso, Biobío and Metropolitana regions, where results have already been seen in the latter through the reinforcement of the ANEN Plan -through the anti-encircle block.

Since the implementation of this type of actions began at the national level, 45,425 vehicle checks and identity checks have been carried out, preventive inspection of 770 workshops and disassemblies, and increased police presence, which has allowed the arrest of 2,727 people and the recovery of 395 vehicles. with a current charge for theft.

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