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The “political powder keg” in the Municipality of Recoleta due to a complaint about a contest that would have favored those close to the PC

The publication made on his Twitter account by the representative of RN caused controversy in this Tuesday’s session of the Recoleta Municipal Council. Felipe Cruz, in which he described as “flawed” a public tender in which permanent municipal positions were recently awarded. “The @PCdeChile is terrified,” he wrote.

According to the message published by the councilor, the appointments were made “between roosters and midnight” at the end of Tuesday of last week, prior to the start of the mayor’s formalization hearing Daniel Jaduewhich started the next day and lasted until this Monday.

The session in which the controversy was presented was precisely the first after the 3rd Guarantee Court of Santiago decreed preventive detention against the communal chief, in the Farmacias Populares case.

Just before the controversy over Cruz’s complaints – in which he indicated that the majority of those selected are directly or indirectly linked to the Communist Party -, tempers had already heated up among some councilors. Of the eight that make up the instance, five are from the PC. #JadueLibre, read the posters that the ruling party members put on the back of their respective computers.

In a debate with Fares Jadue, who as the first majority presided over the session in the absence of the mayor, councilor José Luis Sala (PS) left the room. Before that, conflicting opinions had already been heard when, in the incident phase, the members of the Council made their respective comments regarding the sending of the mayor to prison.

The letter that Weiber (PC) read: “These officials have been selected through a transparent process”

«We have a councilor who persecutes officials through social networks (…). “In the cycle is where what was done through social networks could have been questioned, regarding the public tender for municipal plants,” councilor Cristian Weiber (PC) rebuked Cruz (see here at 1:17: 09 transmission).

Before reading a letter, which he claimed had been sent by some of those affected, he added: “I don’t know what would await the officials if he became mayor one day.” Of the members of the Council, both Fares Jadue, for the ruling party, and Felipe Cruz, for RN, aspire to the position of mayor.

According to Weiber’s reading, the signatories of the letter assure that the statements made by Cruz on networks are “lies and inaccurate” and “constitute a direct attack on the honor and dignity of professionals who have demonstrated their ability and commitment in the field.” public service”.

“These officials have been selected through a transparent and competitive process, based on merit and the necessary qualifications for their respective positions,” the letter states.

Councilor Parra (PC): “I would love to have a professional like you in our party, but that is not the case”

Councilor Joceline Parra (PC) also referred to the matter, which she classified as “a funa on social networks.” She read another letter, addressed to Cruz from one of those affected, whom she identified by name and surname, who she categorically denied having any affiliation with the PC.

“I want to emphasize that my assignment, which is being questioned, is strictly due to my academic training and professional experience, which includes more than 11 years of uninterrupted service in the Municipality of Recoleta,” Parra read (see here at 1: 22:41 seconds of transmission).

The councilor added: «He is not a colleague. I would love to have a professional like you in the ranks of our party, but that is not the case (…) If we talk about respect, let’s put on our pants and respect above all the privacy and professionalism of the workers of the Municipality of Recoleta.

Cross on contest in Recoleta: «45 people are from the PC or are linked to the PC»

During the session, which concluded with Parra’s intervention, Cruz did not refer to the complaint he made on his social networks. The bookcase He contacted the councilor to have more background. He maintains that “45 people are from the PC or are linked to the PC” among the new positions that were assigned.

«The contest has several irregularities. Among other things, it is a process that starts in January, it is lowered, then it is raised again in April, changing some of the conditions, then it is lowered again and they raise it again a week before I made the complaint. It was there for a week and they made the last modifications there. In essence, they gradually adapted each of the requirements, so that they were finally adapted to the resumes and experience of those close to them,” he asserts.

The councilor listed other situations that, he claims, occurred in the aforementioned contests. «The second thing that is totally irregular is how the process itself developed. That is to say, in one week, holding a competition for 52 permanent municipal positions is totally impossible in real terms. “You have to do interviews, you have to do curricular analysis,” he says.

Cruz assures this medium that there are more irregularities that were recorded, but he preferred not to make them known for now, as he will turn to the Comptroller’s Office to request an investigation.

Municipality of Recoleta: “To date, we do not have any formal complaint in sight”

The bookcase He also consulted the Municipality of Recoleta about it. «The public competition established 68 vacant positions, of which 57 were occupied by officials who met the requirements; and 11 were occupied by external people who also met the established requirements,” they indicate in a statement sent to this medium.

“To date, we do not have any formal complaint in sight and in the event that this exists we will provide all the information indicated above that establishes the bankruptcy process, in accordance with current regulations,” they indicate in that same document.

In the six-point statement, in which they specify the regulations on which they claim the contest was based, they also point out: “We regret that Councilor Cruz, through his social networks, disclosed the alleged political militancy of the officials who were “They awarded one of the 68 vacancies, while said eventual condition, in no case, is a requirement for the exercise of public office.”

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