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Chile, “the best in the world” in renewable energy patents

A new study from Ocean Science & Technology reveals which countries in the world are leading the way in renewable energy technology, ranking 81 different nations in a global renewable energy innovation index.

Analyzing the percentage variation in the number of patents by country between 2000 and 2021 and factors such as population size, wealth index and the total number of renewable energy projects, this study ranked 81 countries on a scale from 0 to 100 (100th being the country most involved in renewable energy projects).

It was found that, overall, there has been a positive increase of 76% in the adoption of renewable energy patents worldwide and that, in 2021, the total number was 61,790.

Renewable patents in Chile and Latin America

The country that obtained first place in this study, with an overall ranking of 99, was Chile. Chile has experienced a huge percentage increase of 5,300% in the acquisition of renewable patents between 2000 and 2021.

Chile’s focus on green energy has accelerated in recent years as these strategies have gained political support and innovative technologies. In fact, Chile has committed to generating 70% of the country’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030 and, according to the World Economic Forum, “its renewable energy strategy could serve as a playbook for industrialized countries.” from Latin America and the rest of the world.

Interestingly, Latin American countries represent 40% of the top 10 positions in this study. In 2022, an article revealed that in this region more than a quarter of primary energy came from renewable sources, double the global average.

Continental efforts in renewable energies

Looking at the continental data collected in this study, Asia and Oceania have recorded a 186% percentage increase in renewable project parents, the highest growth of all continents. However, Europe seems to be lagging behind and has in fact recorded a decline of -80%.

This study celebrates the countries that are contributing most to global efforts towards a greener future. Countries like Chile, China, the Philippines and the others included in this top 10 can serve as a way for policymakers, businesses and researchers to support continued progress in renewable energy innovation.

“This landmark study highlights the decisive advances and diverse approaches that countries are taking to harness the power of renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The exponential increase in renewable energy patents since the turn of the millennium is encouraging, and we are proud to celebrate the countries that are taking the biggest steps towards a sustainable future,” said Mike Rees, founder of Ocean Science & Technology.

For more information, see the full investigation HERE.

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