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Córdoba is committed to creating its own solar farm to promote sustainable development

The department of Córdoba has stood out as one of the main generators of renewable energy in Colombia, especially in the field of solar energy.

During the last renewable energy auction, Córdoba was awarded 1,200 megawatts, which shows its enormous potential in the generation of clean energy, explained the governor of Córdoba, Erasmo Zuleta, during the Caribbean Vision 2052 Forum.

In this sense, the departmental leader assured that his government has decided to bet on the creation of its own solar farm.

This initiative seeks not only to generate clean energy, but also to promote competitiveness and reduce energy costs for the inhabitants of Córdoba.

The solar farm is presented as an opportunity to take advantage of the potential of renewable energies in the department and promote sustainable development that benefits the local population.

“Despite having a public hydroelectric plant and a thermoelectric plant, the participation of local labor in these projects has been limited,” added the Governor, who emphasized the need for education relevant to the productive vocation of the territory, which generate job opportunities for Cordobans in the energy sector.

In addition, He raised the importance of the department being a partner in the solar plants, so that the benefits are not limited solely to the profits of private investors.


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