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JEP summons former governors of Nariño to testify for fumigation of illicit crops

The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP)
summoned four former governors of Nariño to testify about the execution and repercussions of the forced eradication of illicit crops through aerial fumigation with glyphosate in three municipalities. As reported by the high court this Thursday, the hearings, scheduled from June 17 to 25, will feature the participation of Parmenio Cuéllar (2001-2003), Eduardo Zúñiga (2004-2007), Antonio Navarro Wolff (2008-2011) and Raúl Delgado (2012-2015).

This call is framed in Case 02, which investigates alleged crimes committed by the demobilized FARC guerrillaas well as by members or former members of the public force, State agents not belonging to the public force and civilian third parties in Tumaco, Ricaurte and Barbacoas, between 1990 and 2016.

The JEP’s Truth Recognition Chamber has identified in its investigation “more than 400 serious and representative acts supposedly perpetrated by State agents, including members of the Public Force, of which 98 occurred during the implementation of the forced eradication strategy of crops for illicit use, by aerial fumigation with glyphosate,” the JEP explained in a statement.

The reports presented by victims, indigenous, Afro-Colombian, peasant and human rights organizations affirm that these acts causedn “serious, differentiated and disproportionate harm” to the civilian population, its properties, the territory and the environment.

In detail, they mention “direct damage to people’s health and serious environmental impacts, i“including the destruction of subsistence crops, medicinal plants and pollution of rivers and streams.”

Furthermore, beforeThe JEP has testified about forced displacements and the deterioration of living conditions of the communities, which has exacerbated their vulnerability and social conflict.

The JEP initiated Case 02 on July 10, 2018, prioritizing the serious situation of human rights violations and serious infractions of International Humanitarian Law that mainly affect indigenous peoples, Afro-descendant communities, peasants, women and LGBTI people in Tumaco, Ricaurte and Barbacoas.

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