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Diego Chaher will be in charge of controlling public companies

Diego Chaher is a lawyer from Mendoza with a good relationship with presidential advisor Santiago Caputo.

After his work as auditor of the Télam state news agencythe Mendoza lawyer Diego Chaher, will be appointed as the new Secretary of State Companies and Companies, within the Chief of Staff. He will replace in that position Mauricio González Bottowho has not yet officially presented his resignation but intends to leave as a sign of loyalty to Nicolas Possethe former Chief of Staff.

Chaher was appointed as intervener to proceed with the scrapping of Télam, an agency that Milei defined as “a means of Kirchnerist propaganda” and whose closure he promised at the opening of legislative sessions on March 1.

In Telam largely fulfilled its mission, as evaluated in Balcarce 50, because almost half of the employees have already taken voluntary retirement that was implemented and ended a few days ago. This allowed him to gain space and reputation in the ranks of the ruling party.

They assure that the influence of the presidential advisor weighed in the decision, Santiago Caputoand also his good relationship with José “Cochi” Rolandi, executive secretary of the Chief of Staff, number two in that portfolio. Rolandi played a key role in the negotiations for the Bases Law to advance in Congress and earned everyone’s trust. When Posse resigned, he was confirmed.

Mauricio González Botto had arrived from the hand of Nicolás Posse

Everything remains to be seen, anything can happen”. The versions had begun to spread through the corridors and offices of the Casa Rosada after the departure of Nicolás Posse’s Chief of Staff, about what the restructuring would be like. Javier Milei’s entourage has decided to go all out with the changes in public companies that will move into the private orbit. And that’s why they wanted to quickly define Who would be in charge of that task?which implies the dismissal of thousands of workers and also how both the Chief of Staff and the Ministry of the Interior will be restructured, now converted into a secretariat.

Regarding González Botto, in the last week it was said that “it is and it is not”, according to the definition of an area official when consulted about his movements. He was in charge of revealing through audits what adjustments had to be made in that list of companies that included AySA, Aerolíneas Argentinas, YPF, Correo Argentino, the General Administration of Ports, Télam, Public TV and Ferrocarriles Argentinos, among others. Although some of them had to be excluded from the final version of the Bases Law that had half a sanction in Deputies, González Botto advanced on several with strong measures such as the staff reduction, cancellation of contracts and closure of offices to reduce costs.

The readjustment was supposed to take longer. Posse’s departure, on Monday night, May 27, occurred while President Milei was about to begin his trip to the United States where he participated in a summit of technology companies and met with the CEOs of several leading companies in the sector. in the world. That trip complicated the changes even more because the President only returned to the country on Sunday.

For González Botto’s place, the name of Federico Sturzenegger had also circulated, about whom Milei already announced that he has secured a position in the Government. But that, at least for now, was dismissed. The former Macrista official has occupied an office on the second floor of La Rosada for some time, although his appointment continues to be delayed.

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