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Javier Milei said that he is not nervous about the rise of the dollar and the fall of bonds: “He will adapt”

The President spoke in Santa Fe and explained the reasons why there was a jump in the exchange rate

President Javier Milei gave a speech this Thursday at the Agroactiva 2024 exhibition, which took place in the province of Santa Fe, in which he referred to the current economic situation and dedicated several minutes to talking about the increase in the price of the dollar registered in the last few days and the fall of bonds. “We are not nervous,” he assured.

The head of state’s intervention at the event – which he attended accompanied by deputy José Luis Espert, who spoke minutes before – began after 1:30 p.m. and took place before the main exponents of the field Argentinian who were present at the event.

In this framework, the leader of La Libertad Avanza admitted the jump that the exchange rate suffered and the drop in bonds, but he was calm when explaining that this phenomenon It is not due to a monetary problem and that in the coming months it will be accommodated.

Regarding the reasons why this occurred, Milei placed the blame on “the degenerate prosecutors who are in Congress” and detailed how they made these economic changes happen.

Speech by President Javier Milei at Agroactiva 2024

“They are trying to torpedo the fiscal surplus. If they achieve this, the solvency condition of the State/Government falls and therefore, the price of the bonds falls. What you are seeing today in the price of bonds is the problem of fiscal degenerates trying to break the fiscal balance,” he explained about the causes.

Along these lines, he sought to convey tranquility and was firm in stating that in the coming months the situation will be reversed. “When they see the May numbers, when they see the June numbers and see that the fiscal result is granitic, the bond numbers will automatically adjust and the exchange rate will adjust,” said the president.

And he added with a mention to his opponents: “That is why We are not nervous about what is happening. And it’s quite funny to all the apocalyptic serial screwers who want things to go wrong so they can validate the fart models with which they always screwed up.”

Regarding the government’s economic plan, Javier Milei confirmed that it is carrying out the “largest reform in history” and that even though there may seem to be setbacks, “the Base Law has a high chance of coming out and the DNU is working.”

Milei defended his economic plan and said that Argentina is on its way to being like Germany

He also assured that he is on the way to turning Argentina into a country with characteristics more similar to first-world European nations than others in Latin America, such as Venezuela.

“To give you an order of magnitude, the largest structural reform that was carried out in Argentina was carried out by Menem in the nineties. If you take the DNU and the basic law as it is today, this reform is eight times larger than the one Menem did. It is the largest reform in Argentine history. Then they say that we do not have an economic program, but it is a burden,” he began by saying about his project.

Then he continued with an example: “I’m going to put it quantitatively. These reforms imply that we are going to rise 90 places in economic freedom, that is, we would stop being a country that is on its way to, or was on its way to becoming, Venezuela and we are on its way to becoming a country similar to Germany or France or Italy. ”.

Towards the end of his speech, the President once again emphasized that his objective is to be the country with the greatest economic freedom in the world – using Ireland as an example, which, from being the poorest country in Europe, today has a GDP per capita of 50%. greater than that of the US – and said that growth is already underway, because “we are rebounding and that is going to manifest itself in an improvement in activity and employment.”

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