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An important prepaid company announced an increase for July after a Government measure

In the midst of the conflict between the Government and the prepaid and social works, a large medical company in the country announced to its members that it will update its tariff in July. This increase will come hand in hand with the monthly refund that it must make (along with other health companies) after the strong increases it made at the beginning of the year above inflation.

This decision was made by Medicus and announced on Wednesday the 5th through a letter. The same, strictly speaking, was to be expected after the ruling party lowered the presentation it made before Justice after the agreements with the firms; Consequently, the precautionary measure that involved control and regulation of the quotas was withdrawn, so as of July 1 they can make increases again as they see fit.

The judicial agreement between the Government and the prepaid It occurred in the early morning of May 28, and the increase will no longer be influenced by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This, however, does not mean that next month they must begin to return what was collected above inflation between January and May, in 12 installments.

How much does Medicus increase?

From Medicus they released the letter explaining that the health sector “continues to suffer notable delays in fees, fees and values” that are paid by providers, sanatoriums and professionals in general, which puts the private medical care of millions of people at risk. .

“At Medicus we continue to make the greatest efforts to mitigate the effects of inflation on the purchasing power of our associates in the midst of the delicate situation that the country is going through. In this sense, our quotas were not updated in May and June, despite an inflation of approximately 15% has been recorded”, it is expressed.

At the same time, they reiterated that the scheduled compensation will be made in 12 months. The difference generated between the variation of the quota versus the CPI will be transformed into a credit that will become effective starting in the month of July, being adjusted by the deposit rate of the Banco de la Nación, as arises from the agreement reached on July 28. May.

“We know that during the first months of the year the inflationary impact, as a result of the sincerity of the economy and its relative prices, has been very high. However, the delay, particularly in the health sector, has not yet reached the level of the IPe if considers a longer period in which the economy and in particular the sector was exposed to price controls,” the letter states.

The letter where Medicus announces the increase for July.

Furthermore, the new joint agreement “makes it essential that the costs arising from it be covered with increases in values ​​to sanatoriums and diagnostic centers so that they can continue providing services.” They insisted that the increased amounts have already been transferred to the network of providers, and are not currently available to medical companies. prepaid.

Based on this, and arguing that they seek to maintain the highest medical quality and technological innovation, and continue the improvement in benefit values ​​for professionals and institutions, the cost of the Medicus plan as of July will be adjusted by 8,075%. And, no less important, they clarified that this last value will be the one considered to make the agreed discount.

Inflation 2024 in Argentina: month by month

January: 20.6%

February: 13.2%

March 11%

April: 8.8%

May: they project below 5%, and it will be known next week.

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