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The Senate converted the Special Regime for Industrial Parks into Law

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It was Senator José Alaniz Andrada who acted as reporting member, taking into account that the initiative was approved and was returned to its House of Origin – Deputies – by application of art. 122 of the Provincial Constitution.

Special Regime for Industrial Parks

Next, the Senate tried and gave final sanction and granted the Law No. 5845 by which the Executive Branch promotes the Special Regime of Industrial Parks, which has the purpose of promoting and stimulating industrial activity through the creation and establishment of zones. industrial throughout the territory of the province of Catamarca. Senator Félix Jerez was in charge of presenting and defending the initiative before his peers.

The general objectives of this regulation are: to promote productive development, optimize the return on investments in infrastructure works and common services, as well as promote territorial planning. Likewise, the intention is to promote the creation of Industrial Zones and the different regions that make up the provincial territory; encourage the development of industrial activity as a whole, encouraging the installation of new industries, industrial ventures, industrial developments, technological poles and all other services related to the industry, whether local, regional, national and international; promote the expansion, modernization and modernization of existing industries; e) ensure the conservation of the industries already established in the Province as well as their sources of work; promote the strategic and orderly establishment of industrial ventures and developments, in harmony with the environment; and promote the relocation of those industrial establishments that are in conflict with the environment or the population, in order to achieve adequate geographical planning; among others.

“The guiding criterion of the Project is mainly to promote Private Investment, support for the Company located in the Province, in accordance with the principles provided for in Article 55 of our Provincial Constitution” is indicated among the foundations after adding that the initiative “It is the result of the work and study carried out by different areas of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, which represents the consensus on the way in which different situations that arise in everyday life related to the establishment of Companies can be addressed.”

“Catamarca Transport”

Likewise, the Upper House agreed to Decree No. 216/24 of the Provincial Executive referred to on modifying Law No. 4,906 and the creation of “Catamarca Transporte” in the form of a Unipersonal Joint Stock Company (CaT.SAU).

According to the foundations, the initiative arises from the need to guarantee the Catamarca population as a whole the ability to move, considering it essential to ensure the provision of this service permanently and continuously as it is an essential service.

Likewise, it is extremely important to ensure the correct provision of the service in an efficient and quality manner, resulting in it being a fundamental axis in the current administration policy, since it contributes to the economic, productive, social, educational, cultural and tourist development of the province.

The Decree encourages the transportation service to be managed by a single company to improve its quality, creating a company that provides the service itself or through third parties in the form of a subconcession.

Through the state company, as proposed, the payment and contribution of subsidies per kilometer traveled can be unified and centralized, “which guarantees the effective and permanent presence of the transport units in the fulfillment of their purposes, with a criterion unique and transparent, thus reducing the discretions and differences that may arise due to the subsistence of different borrowers,” said Senator Mario Gershani when reading the foundations.

Expropriation of property for hospital and cultural complex

Promoted by Senator Andrea Lobo, the body of Senators gave half a sanction and sent to Deputies the bill through which it is intended to declare the property identified with cadastral registration N-06-31-11 of public utility and subject to expropriation -9150-0000, located in Huillapima, Capayán department. The property to be expropriated will be used for the creation of a Hospital and a cultural, productive, sports and recreational Complex.

“Its strategic location is of utmost importance for the projection and creation of both a Hospital as well as a sports, productive and socio-cultural complex, and can become a reference center at the departmental and regional level taking into account its proximity. to RP N°38 and RP N°14, the latter being a direct route to the different sporting, cultural, religious and productive circuits of the region” expresses part of the foundations.

In this sense, it is remembered that through this provincial route you can reach the Arrayanes Forest and the neighboring department of Pomán with the importance that this implies for the development of towns where tourism, recreation and culture are the main drivers and generators of sources of income and support for families and society in general, without failing to mention the right to a public and accessible health service for the jurisdiction and the department in general.

Archaeologist designation

Through a draft resolution presented by the senator of Andalgalá Horacio Gutiérrez, the Senate asks the Provincial Executive to appoint an archaeologist, for the purposes of controlling and safeguarding all the archaeological heritage that the Aconquija district has.

According to the articles, it is also requested to proceed with the completion work of the interpretation center in the vicinity of Pucará de Aconquija.

The present proposal “fundamentally obeys the imperative need for the Provincial State to have a more effective and permanent presence in the Pucará de Aconquija Archaeological Site,” said the Senator after pointing out the goal of controlling and protecting all the Archaeological Heritage that our Province has in this zone.

“This designation will contribute to exercising the defense and custody of the heritage, preventing the disappearance of archaeological pieces of incalculable values ​​that the Provincial Heritage unfortunately loses year after year, often motivated by the lack of awareness of the residents and in other cases by the greed and ambition of unscrupulous people who profit from a heritage common to all Catamarcans,” he stressed.

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