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Hard setback for “La Toretto” who is accused of killing a motorcyclist in La Plata

Felicitas Alvite, known as “The Toretto”, the young woman accused of running over and killing a motorcyclist in The Silverto be continue detained with preventive detention after the ruling of Judge Marcela Garmendia.

Likewise, the judge elevated the file to oral trial for the crime of homicide with possible intent. In this way, Garmendia did not give rise to the change of cover as the defense, led by Flavio Gliemmo, Santiago Irisarri and Luisina Gliemmo, had requested. Now, it is expected that the young woman will be authorized to benefit from house arrest until the beginning of the oral trial.

“Taking into account the age of the accused, her roots, her family situation, the absence of a criminal record and, especially, the procedural status of the present investigation – which has been closed by the Fiscal Agent – “I consider it appropriate to initiate a personality incident regarding Felicitas Alvite, in order to evaluate in the future a less burdensome measure than the one imposed in this resolution,” the letter states.

Days before the judge announced said resolution, a hearing was held as established in article 168 bis of the code of criminal procedures of the province of Buenos Aires so that “the prosecutor, the injured individual, if any, can be heard.” , the defense and the accused.”

According to witnesses of the meeting, during the 15 minutes that Alvite had to speak in front of the magistrate, “he spent the entire time crying” and “asked for forgiveness.”


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