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Octavio Ocaña spoke to César Bono, this is how the actor tells it

The pain of the death of Octavio Ocaña is still present among his friends and co-workers, as for example in the first actor Cesar Bono who assured that he always thinks about him and that he has even expressed himself to him.

It was on October 29, 2021 when the young comedian died after a police chase where he received a gunshot wound, whose case the authorities continue to investigate; A police officer has already been charged with intentional homicide.

Bono, who participates in the comedy series “Neighbors” to premiere its new season next Sunday on Las Estrellas, told the press about the exact moment when Ocaña appeared to him, which was shortly after he had died.

“After he left, there was a special program in which we spoke on the phone with him, who had gone to work in another part of the world and when I finished talking to him, I turned around and there was a great photo of him and he “It moved a lot,” he said.

Octavio Ocaña is more used to being called “Benito”, like his character in “Neighbors”

Read also: Octavio Ocaña’s family confirms that they will make a documentary about the actor’s murder

César Bono commented that it was a tragedy and remembered what the first approach he had with him was like, when starting this project.

The producer Elías Solorio introduced him and told him: “this little guy is going to be your son and his name is Beni”, then Bono approached him to talk to him and asked him what his name was in real life, answering: Octavio.

“I remember that it impacted me a lot because a friend Octavio had just died and I said: ‘how incredible God is taking away one Octavio from me and giving me another’ and right now he has already taken two Octavios from me, but that’s life.”

Regarding the issue of the tenant of her house, Jessica López Rivera, who has not wanted to vacate, commented that she has not yet wanted to leave and already owes her 18 months of rent.

“The lady, along with her lawyers, who, by the way, has fired several people, is doing rubbish, they have already removed the judge from her and they have already given the case to a magistrate for the same reason that the lady is not acting as she should, but she is to having to leave the house and having to act is a fact.”

The artist of the work “Defending the Caveman” commented that the arguments given by the tenant are that “she did not know where the rent is paid, that the contract does not say where and I tell her: where you live is my house, leave me the money there ”.

Read also: After accusations by César Bono against an alleged IMSS worker, the institution responds

Although she even commented that the actor threatened her, he said “never in my life”; He clarified that he has many defects, but he does not consider himself stupid, so in current times it does not cross his mind to do anything to women, he even defends them.

“I never threatened her, she is a woman who lies a lot, she said she worked at a magazine, but they denied that she worked there, she mentioned that she worked at the ISSSTE, but they say they don’t know her. She says that she is going to keep my house, she is abuse, just as they protect women they should protect elderly men, but she only owns the house, not my children’s.


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