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Governor of Valle del Cauca reaffirmed her fight against poverty

During the Banking Convention ‘The Voice of Colombia’, organized by Asobancaria in Cartagena, the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, highlighted a reactivation of employment with an investment in infrastructure.

The president highlighted that “The only way for us to reduce poverty and invest socially is with decent and formal employment.”

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During the convention, Toro emphasized the need to create conditions that allow closing the gaps of multidimensional poverty and generating security in the territory.

For the above, he indicated that the key is to provide farmers with legal economic alternatives that allow them to obtain stable income.

«Insecurity has to do with the entire Pacific and the Government has to understand it that way. In order to generate security, we have to carry out a comprehensive intervention in the Colombian Pacific, not only with the Public Force, but also achieving social investment.said the Governor of Valle del Cauca.

The Governor concluded her intervention by highlighting her commitment to the development of the department in matters “circular economy, health tourism, industrial tourism, and the gastronomic and cultural riches of the region.”

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It should be noted that the Government has implemented several programs to boost the economy, such as:

Vallemplea, an initiative that focuses on the training of young people according to the demands of the labor market.

In addition, the Innovation District has been key to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the region.

Another notable program is the Virtual DigiCampus, which offers technical, technological and professional study opportunities.

These initiatives seek not only to improve the living conditions of the people of Valle del Cauca, but also to position Valle del Cauca as a model of sustainable development.

Photo taken from Twitter @Asobancaria

Photo taken from Twitter @Asobancaria

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