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the voices of the mayors for priority works

With perfect attendance of the 60 mayors of Salta at the governor’s call Gustavo Saenz By the Pact of Güemes, the community leaders expressed their defense of priority works for the growth of Salta and each of the municipalities.

The execution of the housing works, the southern capital treatment plant, the Cafayate treatment plant, the Orán waste treatment plant, the El Limón dam elevation, school buildings, Salta airport, and the Valles Calchaquíes gas pipeline were considered essential. , reversal of the North gas pipeline, strategic routes such as 9/34, 51 and 86; Vaqueros bridge and bypass; Ship – Oran route; logistics node and dry port of Güemes; branches C14, C15; Luracatao photovoltaic plant, Olacapato – Cauchari interconnection; high tension line San Agustín – Campo Quijano – Salta, among others.

The mayor of the city of Salta, Emiliano Durand, stated that within the framework of the Güemes Pact “I found this call without political flags to be extremely important to claim the works that correspond to the nation. Today there are 60 mayors, so the fact that we are all together will allow us to make the claim more compelling and to be able to have what the north needs and deserves.”

He added that “there are many road works, energy works, and gas pipelines that the nation abandoned and today we are demanding that they be reactivated.”

The president of the Mayors’ Forum, Daniel Moreno, described the Güemes Pact as important “in all its aspects” and referred to the historical significance that this has for the province. He highlighted in this sense “the presence of the 60 communal leaders at the meeting offering their support to the Governor.”

For his part, the communal chief of General Güemes, Carlos Rosso, stated that this meeting with the Governor is important “not only for the people of Güemes, but for Salta and for Argentines.” He explained that on the occasion the Güemes Pact was discussed, and the request for the continuity of the works “necessary for everyone, such as the Logistics Node and the Industrial Park, works that promote genuine work production.”

The mayor of Orán, Baltasar Lara Gros, said that this “was a positive meeting that served to unite criteria and discuss what Salta’s priorities are, in order to be able to adhere to the Güemes pact proposed by Governor Sáenz. Let a single voice come out of here to be able to go out and engage in negotiations with the Nation.”

Kuldeep Singh from Rosario de la Frontera expressed his support for Governor Sáenz and the Pact that he proposes because it has to do with “fighting for something just.” And he added “among all the mayors we are speaking the same language because we consider that this is necessary for the Nation to listen to our claim.” He fought for the completion of route 9/34.

On the occasion, the mayor of Cafayate, Rita Guevara: “I celebrate this call that Sáenz is making, to move forward as a province we have to be united and we see that we have a governor present, that is why we support the Güemes pact.” She added: “In our city we are soon to finish the Convention Center, we have housing construction, Grandparents Square, classrooms in schools. And beyond the fact that the provincial government gives us support, the works of the national State have to be completed and it is our request because these works are going to benefit thousands of people.”

The mayor of San Antonio de los Cobres, Alberto Carral, thanked the Governor and highlighted the importance of the Güemes pact “it shows the federalism that this government has throughout the province.” “Today we met to complain about the postponed works throughout the province. In Olacapato we have paralyzed the power line works that would benefit more than 85 families and will supply energy to the entire Puna of Salta,” said the communal chief.

Finally, the communal chief of Seclantás, Mauricio Abán considered that “this call is of utmost importance to establish consensus based on the coincidences that we Salteños have beyond our differences, convictions or membership in different political parties.”

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