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The ENRE modified the regulations for electrodependent users for health reasons: the main changes

Through resolutions 329/2024 and 330/2024which were made official this Thursday through the Official bulletinHE They reformulated the procedures for carrying out the corresponding works and for the application of sanctions for non-compliance with deadlines.

These measures will affect homes where the supply of electric power It is crucial for the health of its inhabitants. Both bear the signature of the auditor of the ENRE, Dario Oscar Arrué.

Resolution 329/2024 enre

In the Resolution 329/2024it is established that Distribution companies now have more time to respond to complaints of lack of electricity supply.

Before, Edenor and Edesur They had 48 hours to act, counting both business days and non-business days. Now, They are given up to two business days from the moment of the complaintwhich could mean a long wait for electrodependents if the outage occurs on a long weekend.

I also know adapted the application of the sanction for non-compliance with this new maximum period: now energy companies must pay the user a fine in pesos equivalent to 2,000 kWh “for each business day of delay” (up to a maximum value of 500,000 kWh) and valued according to the current average rate.

Resolution 330/2024 between electrodependents

Meanwhile, the Resolution 330/2024 repeals Resolutions 97/2021, 254/2023 and 472/2023which ensured the visibility of the households with electrodependents before the ENRE and guaranteed a priority response from the electricity distributors.

The new approved procedure does not maintain the speed required in these situations. Instead, it is established that the distributors They have up to 30 business days to adapt and arrange the connection to an Alternative Energy Source (FAE)with applicable sanctions for non-compliance.

Conditions to request an Alternative Energy Source:

  • He requesting user must be registerednot only in the Registry of Electrodependents for Health Issuesbut also in the Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE) and that also must be in the lowest income segment (N2) or in the equivalent segment of the scheme that eventually replaces the current scheme.

  • Furthermore, he added a fifth condition (in section 5): “inform an electronic address constituted in an email box to be notified by the distributor, as well as a cell phone number or landline contact telephone number.”

  • He established that any notification sent to the electronic address indicated by the user will be considered reliable for procedural purposes.

  • Likewise, it expanded the condition indicated in section 3): in addition to a document – ​​in the nature of a sworn declaration – that states the pathology suffered and the technical characteristics of the electromedical device required, the user must present, if the distributor requires it, a writing from the owner of the home, authorizing the execution of the necessary adaptation work for the connection of an FAE. The user must accompany this authorization with a copy of the rental contract and/or the ownership report of the property.

Claims and concerns of electrodependents

The Argentine Association of Electrodependents (AAED) had warned last week about the government’s intention to eliminate this registry.

Mauro Stefanizzipresident of the AAED, expressed his concern, pointing out the increase in rejections in registration renewals for electrodependents that are carried out every two years.

“Many electro-dependent people who use respirators (CPAP) are being rejected with the argument that these devices “have an external battery.” This not only contravenes the law, but also endangers lives, since these batteries are frequently completely downloaded,” Stefanizzi warned.

He also highlighted that the law guarantees the right to an alternative source of energy and free tariff treatment. Deregistration could result in power outages due to inability to pay billsexacerbated by rate increases and the lack of in-person care at the Ministry of Health. The AAED has already reported this situation but, until now, has not received a satisfactory response.


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