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The Municipality carried out cleaning and maintenance tasks on Av. General Savio

Personnel from the Urban Hygiene Directorate, dependent on the Public Services Secretariat of the Municipality of San Salvador de Jujuy, carried out cleaning tasks on General Savio Avenue in the direction of exit from the downtown area. These works were complemented with the maintenance of the lighting system, all with the objective of improving the security and landscape of the main artery of entry and exit to the city.

Regarding the tasks carried out, the Secretary of Public Services, Guillermo Marenco, commented, “we have been working hard; It is a process that we do every 60 days.” At the same time, he recalled that in the current period the cleaning tasks in the city were affected due to the persistent rains. Attentive to this, he said, “this year we had to accentuate, or shorten the times of this task due to the weather factors that affected us greatly.”

However, he welcomed the current weather conditions that favor the continuity of the tasks. “Luckily we are having quite a lot of oxygen in terms of temperatures and rainfall, and that allowed us to be able to face today the cleaning of what is the entrance to the city, the main artery of entry and egress.”

It is worth mentioning that, simultaneously, electrical services personnel carried out maintenance work on the lighting system in an effort to guarantee walkability in the sector.

Regarding this, the secretary noted that the cleaning task “was complemented with the work of the electrical services people in maintaining everything that has to do with lighting, and in turn allowed us to do some work in the internal areas.” of income regarding work in green spaces.”

Based on what was done, Marenco valued the “complementary work between all the departments of the Services Secretariat to achieve the image and landscape that we need in such a main artery.”

Audiovisual note:


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