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The deans of the UTN of Entre Ríos asked Frigerio for a solution – Diario El Argentino de Gualeguaychú. Online edition

In this context, the dean of the Concordia Regional, Jorge Penco, was confident and pointed out that the governor conveyed to them that “he will study the issue and we are convinced that there may be some possible solution.”

After the meeting attended by the Minister of Government and Labor, Manuel Troncoso and the Secretary of Labor, Mariano Camoirano; Penco specified that study houses have a strong impact with increases in electricity, gas, water and other rates.

“Fortunately we have had a good response from the governor, he is going to study the situation and for us this condition of taking them into account has been positive,” he said.

He pointed out that the spectrum of students at the Technological University practically dedicated to hard engineering careers throughout the province, are more than 3,500 students in undergraduate programs, beyond classroom extensions that exist in different locations in the province. “It is a very strong impact that the university is trying to carry out in the best possible way and with the resources practically produced by each faculty,” he said in relation to energy rates.

For his part, Alejandro Carrere, dean of the Paraná Technological University, defined as “very positive” the meeting where they were able to explain the reality of the courses, the institutions, the impact they have on the provincial territory and “our actions as a University National Technology”, he pointed out.

He added that they also discussed “the linkage and transfer that the university spreads throughout the provincial geography and what the research we do at the Technological University is.”

Meanwhile, Martín Herlax, dean of the National Technological University, Concepción del Uruguay headquarters, valued the role of the three UTNs in the province and pointed out that “the universities are practically serving with their own products.”

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