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Municipality of Aysén approves subsidies close to 50 million for community organizations

Twelve grassroots groups benefited from municipal money to cover their different needs for implements. These were admitted by vote in the Honorable Municipal Council of Aysén.

Aysén.- In a session of the recent Municipal Council of Aysén, headed by its president and mayor Julio Uribe, followed by the body of councilors Tatiana Villarroel, Silvia Klagges, Jorge Figueroa, Alejandro Soto, Gabriel Muñoz and Monica Navarrete, unanimously approved several funds for community entities.

$48,485,593 is the amount that will be delivered by the municipality of Aysen for various sports clubs, social groups and non-profit organizations that contribute to the development of the community, healthy living and people with special needs.

The beneficiaries on this occasion are the Fire Department, the Patagones Kids School, the Fuerza de Avanzar Group, the Chilean Rodeo Club of Puerto Aysén, the Neighborhood Group for the Good Living of Aging, the Alas Portuarias and Paul Harris sports clubs, groups of Entrepreneurial Women, Youth in Movement, Vidas con Propósito Foundation, Puerto Aysén Football Association, and the Aysén Network of Physical Education Teachers and Sports Technicians.

One of the organizations that was most favored by an amount of $26,775,000 pesos was the Aysén Firefighters, who will use these resources to acquire a warehouse to protect the new emergency vehicles that will arrive at the Aysén units.

The superintendent of Aysén firefighters, Arturo Loaiza, thanked the unanimous approval of the collegiate body. “First of all I want to thank the Mayor and the Municipal Council, all the councilors who today took on the need that the Aysén Fire Department had.”

“We gave testimony of what happened to us with a new car from Villa Mañihuales, which, because it was not properly protected, had some mechanical problems. The technology is, for the most part, based on electricity and we had to take that car out of the region and it cost us 20 million pesos to repair that car from Villa Mañihuales. We don’t want us to have the same problem with new cars,” explained the superintendent.

Likewise, Loaiza Aguilante stated that “within these last administrations, this period has been one of those in which we have received the most cooperation from the Municipal Council.”

Aysenino sports also obtained good contributions, since thanks to the municipal contribution, several sports clubs will be able to buy equipment. Like social institutions, they will be able to acquire supplies for the treatment of the people they help.

Florencio Bilbao, president of the Fuerza de Avanzar group of Villa Mañihuales, fervently thanked the support of those who make up the Municipal Council, because it is help that anyone from the Aysen town can receive, since the objective of the association is the comprehensive rehabilitation of residents who have suffered an accident or due to an illness.

“The times are always six months, the project is finished and we are left without funds to be able to continue working. Therefore, this subsidy allows us to allow our disabled people to be treated with our professionals. This way we will be able to attend for longer and we can ensure that each one recovers and hopefully leaves walking, without a cane or donkey and we hope that things go well for all of us,” concluded Florencio Bilbao.

Now, the organizations will have to wait for the final administrative procedures, but after a few days they will be able to execute the initiatives proposed to the Council and, in this way, benefit the community from its different social, economic and sporting spheres.

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