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young people from Tucuman tell how to get into virtual betting

The motivation to earn “easy” money; the desire to add adrenaline to the fun; The bombardment of consumer incentives and the lack of specific legislation are some of the aspects of this phenomenon. An informal survey in Tucumán revealed that almost 4 out of 10 boys between 18 and 25 years old gambled at some point.

From cockfighting and horse racing to virtual betting. Although the idea of ​​making money with sports results is not new, digitalization has enhanced the possibilities, and turned them into much quieter and riskier practices. Legislative regulation and requirements to register for betting websites are almost non-existent: you only need a cell phone within reach and a soccer match in the most unusual league in the world to risk money for a winner. This flexibility is having a particularly fierce impact among young people, according to a recent survey carried out in Argentina. The kids from Tucumán consulted by LA GACETA recognize the danger: the majority say that they started betting as a hobby.

The study by the consulting firm Opina Argentina showed that 16% of respondents aged 16 to 29 make online bets of some kind (sports or not), almost double the general average of the population (9%). The report also revealed that men (11%) are more prone to these practices than women (5%) and that 33% of the young people surveyed know someone in their social environment affected by problem gambling. Among those under 29 years of age, contact with this phenomenon is even more worrying: it reaches 39% of those who participated in the research.

An informal survey by LA GACETA on social networks of 57 young people from Tucumán between 18 and 25 years old revealed that 39% of those surveyed had made a sports bet at some time. 100% of that percentage corresponds to men.

It all starts as a game

How do you get started with sports betting? According to a series of telephone interviews conducted with three 22-year-old gamblers from Tucumán, who asked that their identity not be revealed, it all begins as a social activity. Respondents agree that their curiosity about this activity was sparked by the experience of a friend or acquaintance, and that it quickly became a recurring topic of conversation in their groups. Who’s playing today? Which team has the best chance of winning? Could there be any surprises? Who scores the goals? These are some of the questions that open the debate among communities of betting friends, and that, according to those interviewed, provide entertainment and enthusiasm to the talks.

Interest in sports is another of the great incentives mentioned. The young people consulted, who consider themselves frequent gamblers, but not compulsive or problematic, say that watching a match they bet on generates an extra attraction for the program. Thus, if before they enjoyed one or two games a week, now the count is multiplied. And of course, with the possibility of earning some extra pesos, expectations for the show skyrocket.

The house always wins

Where is the line between entertainment and addiction? Those interviewed agree that the limit appears when that activity that had begun as a game also begins to be perceived as a real opportunity to earn money. This means making a significant economic difference. Knowing these dynamics by nature, “the (betting) house” gives some tastes as bait and grants small profits to the players. That’s when everything starts to overflow. Gamblers are not always aware that they are being seduced by the reward system, and that the constant and insatiable pleasure of winning can become a trap.

Legislation (not) helps

The digital environment makes it easier to access betting sites. Anyone with internet access and a phone can enter and bet without any barrier. Advertising also has no restrictions and that is easily seen in any stadium. The logic of social networks aggravates exposure to gambling since, if the social media algorithm detects a bettor, it will “bombard” them with opportunities to enter and bet.

As a result, when watching a game, enjoying a television show, or even going to the field, there is an environment full of pressure to consume these types of products. Once curiosity is piqued, and encouraged by the prospect of making “quick and easy” money, the game seems to be just a click away.

Given this situation, on May 31, 2024, the representative of the Frente Renovador, Micaela Morán, presented the “Juvenile Gambling Law” in Congress. This project aims to develop a comprehensive awareness policy in Argentina and regulate online betting advertising. These are some of the proposed measures.

-Include pedagogical activities in educational establishments of all levels.

-Articulate measures with sports, cultural institutions and civil society organizations specialized in the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction.

-Prohibit the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of games of chance, skill and betting between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.

-Prohibit the design of spots or advertisements aimed directly or indirectly at minors under 18.

“The project has already begun to be discussed in the commissions and we are happy because there is an agreement to discuss it: there is a will for this to move forward. “Hopefully we can quickly have a final text that reaches the venue to put a stop to youth gambling,” said Rep. Morán in conversation with “Radio con Vos.”

What to do in the meantime? Trying to understand the problem and its risks, and looking beyond: many very deep reasons explain the rise of virtual betting among youth.

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