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Chile leads the advance of crypto adoption in South America this 2024

Chile has made important progress during the year 2024 in terms of crypto adoption. The above is according to a report prepared by the company Triple A where it is recorded that, currently, the South American nation is located in position 24. Prior to the measurement, Chile occupied position 89 worldwide.

In this regard, María Fernanda Juppet, CEO of CryptoMKT, exchange of Chilean origin with a presence in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, stated that “the advancement of crypto adoption in Chile is crucial, as it positions the country as an innovative leader in the digital economy. For the industry, this means a more conducive environment for the development of advanced financial technologies, attracting investment and specialized talent. People benefit from accessing more inclusive and efficient financial services, facilitating safe and fast transactions without traditional intermediaries.”

“At a global level, crypto adoption in Chile contributes to the creation of a more decentralized and resilient financial system, promoting transparency and reducing dependence on traditional banking institutions, which can drive a fairer and more accessible economy for all,” continuous.

The report also highlights that global cryptocurrency adoption reached a new milestone in 2024, reaching 562 million crypto asset holders, 34% more than in 2023. This growth means that approximately 6.8% of the world’s population has with crypto assets.

At the continental level, the document establishes that Asia leads the increase in crypto adoption in 2024, with 21.8% increasing from 268.2 million to 326.8 million. It is followed by North America, with an increase of 38.6%, from 52.1 million to 72.2 million. And at the regional level, South America experiences an increase of 116.5%, from 25.5 million to 55.2 million, in which highlights Chile’s leadership.

Europe and Africa also saw substantial increases. The first went from 30.7 million to 49.2 million, while the African continent went from 40.1 million to 43.5 million. In the case of Oceania, interest in cryptocurrencies more than doubled, going from 1.4 million to 3 million, an increase of 114.3%.

The report also points out that the demographic composition of cryptocurrency owners is the largest group between 25 and 34 years old, which represents 34% of the total. The 35 to 44 year old group follows closely, with 31%. Meanwhile, the gender gap continues to be favorable to men, with a market share of 61%, while women only reach 39%.

“The increased participation of men in the cryptocurrency industry can be attributed to several factors. Historically, the technology and finance sectors, which are the foundations of cryptocurrencies, have been dominated by men, creating a cultural and structural barrier to entry for women. Additionally, the perception of cryptocurrencies as a technical and high-risk field may discourage some women, who have traditionally been socialized to be more conservative in their financial decisions. The lack of female representation in leadership roles and the low visibility of successful women in this sector also contribute to the gender gap, as mentoring and support networks are crucial to encouraging participation. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to promote inclusion, provide accessible education, and highlight female role models in the industry,” explained CryptoMKT CEO, who is also the only woman, worldwide, in this leadership position in the industry.

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