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Chile seeks to organize the Olympic Games in 2036 | TUDN Paris 2024

Chili will start the formalities to opt for the organization of the Olympic Games in 2036 Despite its relative success in the Panamerican Games and to stay out of the soccer World Cup of 2030, advertisement the president of the Republic, Gabriel Boric.

At the closing of the Public Account, an annual event to take stock and outline future policies, the president revealed that he has asked the Minister of Sport, Jaime Pizarroto start “the formal procedures to apply for Chili as headquarters of the 2036 Olympic Games“.

“Our country has the organizational conditionsthe capacity of management and the leadership international to organize events sports of world level. Therefore, I announce that we will start the way for Chile to be, for the first time in its history, candidate at the headquarters of the Olympic Games 2036“, he claimed.

“For this, the sports minister has already formalized before the Chilean Olympic Committee our readiness to start the application process from our headquarters with a view to 2036. We know it won’t be easy, but just like the generation of ’62, the I invite to dream high and unite in this beautiful challenge of being hosts for the first time Olympic Games“he added.

In this sense, Boric recalled that in 2023 “Chile experienced a moment of exceptional happiness and pride national with Santiago 2023 Gamesthe largest multi-sport event in our history, which leaves us as a legacy a great sports infrastructure and above all generations whole motivated for sport.”

“We will continue to play for the sport. This year we will be campus of the South American of Women’s Basketball and the next of the Americup. In 2025 Chile will host the World Cup Men’s Soccer Sub 20 and also of UCI Track Cycling World Championships. Furthermore, it has already been confirmed that in 2027 we will host the Special Olympics World Gamesa historic milestone in terms of inclusion,” he added.

Sport must also be present in our daily lives. Therefore, by collecting a parliamentary initiative, we will promote the promotion of physical activity in the country’s educational establishments for one hour a day within the current school day,” he concluded.

The president ignored, however, the criticism of numerous delegations about the precariousness of some of the headquarters of the aforementioned Panamerican Gameswhich were not completely finished, and the decision of FIFA to leave Chile out of the organization of the start of the World Cup 2030in a joint candidacy to which he aspired with Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

The governing body of world football granted the organization to the candidacy of Spain-Portugal and Morocco, and certain matches to the other three South American countries, leaving out to Chili by lack of i nfacilities and appropriate stages.

You granted then the organization of world soccer under-20 in 2025a venue that already left doubts last April when not having met the first technical deadline.

Before the Santiago 2023 Pan American GamesChile had only organized the World Cup in 1962in which the winner was Brazil of Pelé.


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