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Ricardo Quintela, Governor of La Rioja, was visiting the province

The Governor of the Province of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, this Thursday, (24 hours after his visit to the province), had a conversation on Más Vale Late Than Never, with Germán Ibarra and Flora Torres Seiler, on Radio Del Puerto, Where consulted about the achievements during his management, he began by thanking “all the colleagues who made it possible through their work to reach those indices that fill him with satisfaction.”

«But we are not satisfied yet, I believe that inequality is deepening throughout the Argentine Republic, due to the level of unemployment, the problems that exist with small and medium-sized merchants, with businessmen who are closing their doors every day with the consequent loss of work, that is why we are trying to make an enormous effort to try to maintain the food security of our people,” he added.

Regarding public works, Quintela commented that La Rioja is included in the national government agreement to complete works that corresponded to the national plan, but stressed that the province is not part of the food distribution. «They spoke to us with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos. Apparently their commitment is to complete the road works and civil works, which are works that correspond to national financing, they ask us to take charge with the commitment to conclude them, some we will be able to complete and others not, which are precisely the works that we cannot afford in the province, that is why we had national financing,” he explained.

Asked about his position regarding the country, the national government, and the situation of the people in the face of President Milei’s measures, Quintela stated: “I believe that with the people in the street, the congress will echo, the people in the street You have to solve it, what happens is that there is no strong leadership that is convening. Therefore, to horizontalize the call, it must be a team that represents the different sectors of Argentine society that calls it, so that the executive branch can understand and understand that there is a massive demand from society that demands to modify the implemented policies. by this government,” said the governor.

Regarding quasi-currencies in La Rioja, the governor noted that “El Chacho” is a currency issued at the provincial level that will have the same value within the province as the national peso, to which he is authorized to pay 30% with it. of state salaries, and the agreement with merchants is that it is accepted in all areas at the same value of the national currency. The quasi-currency is already issued and would begin to circulate from the month of July in La Rioja.

Regarding his visit to Barranqueras, the president commented that it is his first visit to the port city, although on other occasions he was in Resistencia accompanying former Governor Jorge Capitanich, to which he explained: “What is essential is to recover the government.” national and provincial, I have nothing against the management of the current governor, but I believe and I am convinced that with a partner who is permeated with the principles and values ​​of this doctrine, to update and modernize, has as its object the human being, the person , because we are not concerned with statistics for the numbers but for the people who suffer and cry out for a state of solidarity that extends a hand of solidarity that can incorporate them into the system. Therefore, I believe that we have to have the Nation, Province and Municipality with a line of action for the vulnerable sectors and growth for the commercial and business economic sectors, because that generates a wheel of goods and services that generate wealth.

Finally, he reiterated the invitation to all Chaco citizens and militancy to participate in the event to be held tomorrow, Friday, June 7, at 8:00 p.m., in Veirave at 5000 (inner street of B° Ucal) in Barranqueras. .

(Note: Flora Torres Seiler)

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