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La Libertad Avanza asks to stop the training process in Río Negro due to trout tokens

La Libertad Avanza wants to stop the scandal of trout membership cards detected and reported in the last ten days in Río Negro and that is why it proposed to the federal judge with electoral jurisdiction, Hugo Greca, that it be suspended for 30 days for the party formation process and the submitted forms are withdrawn.

The initiative was presented today by the party representative in the Río Negro district, Jonathan O’Rourke, by virtue of the process of forming the force led by President Javier Milei at the national level, almost a week after the hearing in which other political parties recognized in the province formulated harsh questions about its internal process and requested the absolute annulment of the process .

In the brief presented by O’Rourke two requests are made to the judgeon the one hand “suspend the continuity of the process for 30 days, so that new files can be presented of adhesion to comply with the minimum required by law”; and on the other, that “All membership forms submitted on May 20, 2024 are withdrawn by the different certifiers, because we have detected that there is the focus of conflict.”

The representative stressed that the withdrawal of tokens would reach about 500 guarantees, a figure higher than the questions received in recent days in which irregularities were aired with people who denied having completed those forms and being adherents of the force, with organizations such as the Boxing Association and the Unter and ATE guilds as complainants, but also individual citizens. In addition, the existence of deceased people in those lists was evident.

O’Rourke considered that the period of suspension of the procedure is “proportionate to the search for adherents and the processing of the files” and anticipated that, within the framework of the investigation into the irregularities in the files that are being processed in another file , Calligraphic expertise will be requested because they could have apocryphal signatures.

In the brief, the lawyer made a profuse defense of the “transparency” intentions of La Libertad Avanza and accused external factors, with the interference from other political partiesand internal, for one “fight” between leaders who joined the ranks of the libertarian forceas the origin of the scandal in which the force that in Río Negro has as its main reference the deputy Lorena Villaverde was submerged.

Regarding other political parties, whom he did not specifically identify, the representative said that ““They seek with crude maneuvers to avoid the completion of the procedure.” and pointed out to the judge that participation in last week’s hearing evidenced an anomalous situation.

“Opportunely It will be demonstrated not only the absence of any type of crime by the members of this line of space, but that everything was an attempt to get dirty and even prevent LLA from being a party in Río Negro,” warned the lawyer and current national government official in the province.

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