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Russia willing to expand agroindustrial supplies to Cuba (+Photos)

«Our countries have great potential for further development of bilateral trade. “Russia has all the necessary resources to expand supplies to Cuba and guarantee the food security of the State,” said the owner.

In dialogue with Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas, who leads the Caribbean nation’s delegation to the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (Spief 2024), Lut highlighted the progress of bilateral ties at the level of trade.

«Russia and Cuba are historically linked by close relations. Not only political dialogue is developing, but economic-trade cooperation is also gaining momentum. In particular, the volume of mutual trade in agricultural products has increased in recent years,” Lut emphasized.

In that sense, he argued that last year the indicators of Russian-Cuban trade in agro-industrial products increased twice compared to 2022.

At the same time, the main commodity positions of the Eurasian giant’s exports were grain crops and oil and fat products, the minister added.

The agenda of the Cuban delegation in Spief 2024 promotes the expansion and diversification of economic, commercial, financial and cooperation relations between Havana and Moscow, considered by the leaders of both countries as relations of allies.

In this sense, the Antillean representatives have so far exchanged with official and business counterparts linked to the main topics of the common agenda and the agreements adopted to achieve the effective participation of the Russian Federation in the National Economic and Social Development Plan of Cuba until 2030.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum takes place from June 5 to 8. This edition has as its theme The basis of a multipolar world: formation of new points of growth, and has the participation of 18,600 people from 139 countries.



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