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Indepaz denounces murder of social leader in Casanare, Colombia

This is Javier Condía, delegate of Asojuntas and community leader of the La Guamalera village. Photo: EFE

By: Alvaro Hopkins

June 6, 2024 Time: 18:40

With this fact, 75 assassinations of leaders have occurred in Colombia so far this year.

The Institute of Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) of Colombia denounced this Thursday the murder of a social leader that occurred in the jurisdiction of Yopal, belonging to Casanare, Colombia.


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“Javier Condía was a renowned leader and merchant from the El Morro district in the jurisdiction of Yopal, Casanare. He was a delegate of Asojuntas and community leader of the La Guamalera village,” the entity noted in X.

Likewise, Indepaz detailed that Condía currently had protection measures by the National Protection Unit (UNP), because he had received “threats against him.”

According to information from Indepaz, the incident occurred in the commercial establishment owned by Condía and was carried out by two armed men.

After the attack, the victim was taken to a health center, however, he could not survive due to the severity of his injuries.

Given the fact, the Ombudsman’s Office issued its early warning AT 023/23 that includes the Yapal municipality and AT 019/23 where it points out “the risk scenario faced by people who are dedicated to the defense of human rights and social leadership individually or collectively from various areas or sectors in the country.”

Likewise, he declared “the imposition of norms and other forms of social control by armed groups means a permanent risk of violation of the rights of the population.”

Among the groups operating in the area, Indepaz highlighted the 28th Front and 10th Front of the Joint Command of the East EMC, the Eastern War Front of the National Liberation Army (ELN), the AGC and local bands; as well as the Eighth Army Division.

With this fact, 75 assassinations of leaders have occurred in Colombia so far this year.

Author: teleSUR – ahf – YSM

Source: @Indepaz


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