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Córdoba will have 5 artificial intelligence centers to promote technological development

Five artificial intelligence centers will be built in the department of Córdoba as part of the investments announced by the Minister of ICT, Mauricio Lizcano, During their visit to Montería, these centers seek to promote technological development and innovation, contributing to the digital transformation of various economic sectors.

As announced by the Minister, one of the five centers will be financed directly by the Government of Córdoba, as part of the process of strengthening the technological infrastructure and the commitment to artificial intelligence as an engine of development.

The artificial intelligence centers will focus on the research, development and application of technologies such as machine learning, computer vision and programming language processing. It is expected that these centers will become innovation hubs, attracting talent and companies interested in exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence.

“We want Córdoba to become a digital power in terms of connectivity, innovation ecosystems and digital education,” said Minister Lizcano during his speech. The construction of these centers is part of this objective, seeking to position the department as a reference in the field of artificial intelligence at the national level.

In addition to the benefits in terms of research and development, artificial intelligence centers are expected to have a positive impact on the training of specialized human talent. As announced, A technology field will be implemented in Montería to train students in 4 months with 80% employability, which will allow young people in the region to acquire skills in demand in the labor market.

Minister Lizcano highlighted the importance of incorporating technology in the key economic sectors of Córdoba, such as agriculture, tourism and mining, to boost the growth of the departmental GDP that has been stagnant in the last two decades.


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