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On Saturday afternoon the third Urban Cycling Ride will take place

  • It will be at 3:00 p.m., leaving from the Bio Diversity Park (Rondeau 751)
  • The activity is recreational. A distance of 20km will be covered.
  • Participation is free with limited spaces. Those interested must register at [email protected]

Next Saturday, and on a special day, you can enjoy a new urban cycling ride through the city.

Taking advantage of the autumn climate and the beautiful landscapes that Córdoba gives us, this activity will take place that will begin at 3:00 p.m., with its starting point being the Biodiversity Park, located in Sarmiento Park and whose starting point will be on the street Rondeau at 751.

The Secretariat of Neighborhood Strengthening and Sports invites residents and visitors to participate in this activity that proposes the use of bicycles as a means of ecological transportation, in addition to being able to travel and enjoy 20 kilometers of renovated and picturesque spaces in the city.

The event is recreational and is designed for people over 18 years of age and minors over 13 years of age accompanied by an adult.

The activity includes a ride at a controlled speed and supervised by personnel from the Undersecretariat of Sports and Recreation, who will direct, contain and accompany the cyclists on the journey.

The proposed route will begin in the Biodiversity Park and will go to the Santa Mónica and San Agustín Parish, returning to the Park, as indicated on the following map

Those residents who wish to participate and do not have their own bicycle can choose to use the units of the Municipality’s public bicycle service, “Bicicba”. The closest one is located in the Biodiversity Park itself (next to the Elevated Ciclovía). They can also be obtained at any of the other points distributed in strategic spaces in the city.

To join the proposal, you must register to this email

In addition, it is suggested to attend with comfortable clothing and shoes appropriate for the activity, water, sun protection, a cap or hat, and mosquito repellent.


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