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The Municipal School of Programming and Robotics celebrated its second anniversary – Municipality of La Banda

The School of Programming and Robotics, dependent on the Undersecretariat of Education and Culture of the Municipality of La Banda, commemorated its second anniversary with an event chaired by Mayor Eng. Roger E. Nediani, who was accompanied by his wife Viviana Molina.

The ceremony took place on Tuesday afternoon, at the facilities of the non-formal educational institution located on Avenida Besares, where the Provisional President of the Deliberative Council of La Banda, Miguel Montenegro, was also present; authorities of the Municipal Executive, students, teachers and the general public.

The entry of the ceremonial flags marked the beginning of the event that then continued with the singing of the National Anthem, allusive words by Mayor Roger Nediani and the recitation of poetry by student Tadeo Jeremías Torres.

Next, an institutional video was shown about the activities carried out at the school during the last year and a group of students held a Talent Show where they presented a traffic light system, made with technical materials provided by the municipality.

On the occasion, Mayor Eng. Roger Nediani highlighted: “We are celebrating two years of institutional life of the Municipal School of Programming and Robotics. We feel very excited and happy, despite the national context that is very difficult, we continue to support more education in the city of La Banda.”

“We continue to support the knowledge economy, which is one of the most important industrial economies in the world. This year we have had the opportunity to open the school year by providing a series of resources and supplies so that the boys and girls who attend the Robotics School daily continue their training.”

He added: “We are going to continue on this path since we are convinced that it is the one that will take us forward.”

“Thank the authorities of the Education area of ​​the municipality of the city of La Banda, the teachers and the families, because today the Municipal School of Programming and Robotics is also an inclusive institution, we have children with disabilities who have joined this year and they have very good containment,” Nediani concluded.

At the end of this event, the most emotional moment of the meeting was experienced when Marcela Pérez and Rita Torres, tutors of two students with disabilities, highlighted the inclusion policy of the Municipal Robotics School that allowed their children to join the educational institution. without any inconvenience and have important advances in improving their quality of life.

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