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Maxi’s complaint shortly after recovering from cancer in Bariloche: “Having to go back is very frustrating”

“I feel frustrated at having to take so many steps back with discharge so close and having been a few steps away from not having to think about this anymore. Going back is really frustrating, not only for me but for all my family and friends.”

The The words of Máximo, a young man from Bariloche with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, hurt around him. Especially his mother, Mariana, who is currently battling a “bureaucracy” that seems to have no end, for the health of her son. “It’s all so perverse that you can’t believe it,” the woman said.

“I am in a relapse where the cancer returned as a result of not having performed the bone marrow transplant. It was very likely that if the disease was not treated quickly it would return and because the medical procedure was postponed, the disease returned.”

Maximiliano, patient and affiliated with social work.

He underwent chemotherapy during 2023 to combat tumors in the lymph nodes and then a year, it evolved. By 2024, she was prescribed an autologous bone marrow transplant, but the odyssey began. “It took so long for Ipross to respond that due to bureaucracy and ineffectiveness, it is having a relapse. We will have to do chemotherapy again, putting his life at risk,” summarized his mother, Mariana Jaroslavsky, who no longer knows what else to do. The feeling of injustice invades her.

Autotransplantation is a process by which bone marrow is extracted from oneself, An external process is carried out and it is injected again; so that the disease does not regenerate. The family’s request is about to be five months old: it started on January 12.

The woman He witnessed how his son was close to starting over, but now he sees the consequences of what the delay entailed. “If the relapse is confirmed, he will have to repeat three cycles of chemotherapy. Furthermore, she has to do cryopreservation, which is not authorized in Bariloche, but in Cipolletti to save a few pesos,” the woman said, indignant.

However, he does not lose the illusion of that the next studies are not so unfavorable and the cancer does not return despite all the forecasts. “I have a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel that it will turn out well,” he confided.

Now what Maxi wants most is to avoid chemotherapy and to be able, once and for all, exercise his title as a gastronomic hotel technician, which until now had been an obstacle due to his illness. “I’m dedicating myself to music as a hobby, it’s the only thing that keeps me distracted,” he told this medium.

“The process is advanced,” they say from the social work

Diario RIO NEGRO consulted Ipross about the status of the case and they officially provided a response. “The process is in an advanced state for authorization, there was a lack of supporting documentation that was incorporated in the last few hours, today the file was seen by the Medical Audit Directorate and authorization by the Technical General Secretariat to finally reach the Ipross accounting office. “, they assured this medium.

“They gave us a lot of thought, they asked us for many roles several times. For example, I have to process a catheter for the transfusion – for the autotransplant – and they asked me again for my pay stub, my ID, and his. “Everything is delayed, the procedures are not moving forward.”

Mariana, mother of the patient.

A little history: it all started two years ago

Máximo’s diagnosis could be determined at the end of 2022 after he had swelling in the lymph nodes in his neck. After a study it was confirmed that she had Hodgkin lymphomaa disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the lymphatic system (Part of immune system).

Maxi in the hospital. Photo: courtesy.

The Chemotherapy started at the Intecnus Foundation in January 2023 with six cycles of twelve sessions every 15 days. The malignant cells persisted in the middle of last year, so he had to continue with another modality: three cycles of five days in which he had to be admitted to the Ramón Carrillo public hospital, because it did not cover his social work.

“Then “I had to do the transplant, but it didn’t happen,” His mother reaffirmed that she began the procedures to carry it out on January 12, 2024.

The family considers prosecuting the case

The The victim’s mother is considering taking the case to court.. He said that upon seeing that she was spreading the word about the situation, the social work began to more quickly authorize some studies that the young man will undergo in the coming days, but there is no news about the autotransplant.

“What’s the point of delaying everything?” If now they have to pay double because they have to pay for more studies, more medication, more hospitalization. It’s perverse, I don’t understand the meaning of what happened,” the woman protested.

“How many families are there that are going through this ordeal because of someone in Viedma who is approving or disapproving and decides about their lives, with what criteria? “For me the only criterion is cruelty because nothing else occurs to me,” closed the complainant.

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