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New security strategy underway for Boyacá, Casanare and Arauca.

In Yopal, Casanare, the governors and mayors of the three departments worked jointly with the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, and the military and Police commanders, in a Regional Security Council.

Yopal, June 6, 2024. UACP. With the aim of strengthening security in the border municipalities that join Boyacá, Casanare and Arauca, Governor Carlos Amaya together with the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez; the Governor of Casanare, César Ortiz; the Governor of Arauca, Renson Martínez; mayors of the three departments, the Military and Police leadership, the Orinoquía Naval Force; Commanders of the Eighth Division Task Force Chiron; Brigade 16 and Colombian Military Forces, under the command of General Helder Fernán Giraldo Bonilla, who worked on a new regional security strategy.

The leader of the Boyacá people stated that, although it is true that the department of Boyacá has good security rates, there are problems that require attention with a regional focus.

“Arriving united in Yopal shows that we are giving all the importance to the situation of our border municipalities. Hand in hand with the national government, the governors and mayors of our sister departments, we will work with the public forces to guarantee the tranquility of our communities and consolidate ourselves as territories of peace,” said Amaya.

Likewise, the Governor of Boyacá indicated that “like never before we are working jointly for the security of this area of ​​the country and in the coming weeks we will advance new Regional Security Councils, to follow up on today’s commitments,” he pointed out.

Among the established agreements are:

– The increase in the force and vehicles of the National Police in prioritized municipalities.

– The strengthening of the Gaulas, both military and police, and the implementation of ‘Operation Domino’ with INPEC, to confront extortion.

– The increase in military operations in the northern area of ​​Boyacá.

– The National Protection Unit will prioritize the requests of the mayors of Pisba, Jericó, Chita, Socotá, Labranzagrande, Paya, among others, to reinforce protection measures.

From the Government of Boyacá Grande we continue working with determination and commitment for the tranquility and coexistence of the people of Boyacá.

(End/ Viviana Gómez- UACP)
Communications and Protocol Administrative Unit.
Boyacá Governorate.

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