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Best universities to study engineering in Colombia and in the world – Publimetro Colombia

The field of engineering offers numerous possibilities, so choosing where to study is crucial. The Quacquarelli company annually publishes the ‘QS World University Rankings’, which lists the best universities in the world and classifies institutions by areas of study and other factors. In addition, ‘QS World University Rankings’ includes specific classifications of Colombian universities according to the engineering major. Below are the engineering rankings in Colombia:

Best universities to study chemical engineering:

  • National university of Colombia
  • University of the Andes
  • Industrial University of Santander (UIS)
  • University of Antioquia

Best universities to study civil engineering:

  • University of the Andes
  • National university of Colombia

Best universities to study computer and systems engineering:

  • University of the Andes
  • National university of Colombia
  • Pontifical Javeriana University
  • University of Antioquia

Best universities to study electrical and electronic engineering:

  • National university of Colombia
  • University of the Andes
  • University of Antioquia
  • Pontifical Javeriana University

Best universities to study petroleum engineering:

  • Industrial University of Santander (UIS)
  • National university of Colombia
  • University of the Andes

Best universities to study mechanical engineering:

  • National university of Colombia
  • University of the Andes
  • Pontifical Javeriana University
  • University of Antioquia
  • EAFIT University
  • Industrial University of Santander (UIS)
  • northern University
  • Valley University

Best universities to study mining and mineral engineering:

  • National university of Colombia

Featured Universities Worldwide for Engineering

Globally, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) leads this year’s ranking, according to the statistical company Quacquarelli. Universities such as Oxford, ETH Zurich, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and ETH Lausanne (EPFL) have improved their position.

Top universities in the world to study engineering:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States
  • Stanford University, United States
  • Oxford University, England
  • University of Cambridge, England
  • University of California, Berkeley (UCB), United States
  • Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Switzerland
  • Imperial College London, England
  • Harvard University, United States
  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech), United States
  • Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Best Universities in Colombia

Colombian universities have obtained the following positions in the world ranking:

  • University of the Andes Colombia (179)
  • National University of Colombia (219)
  • Pontifical Javeriana University (377)
  • Rosario University (771-780)
  • University of Antioquia (791-800)
  • EAFIT University (901-950)
  • Externado University of Colombia (901-950)
  • Pontifical Bolivarian University (901-950)
  • University of La Sabana (951-1,000)
  • ICESI University (1,001-1,200)
  • University of the North (1,001-1,200)
  • Universidad del Valle (1,001-1,200)
  • Industrial University of Santander (UIS) (1,201-1,400)
  • Jorge Tadeo Lozano University of Bogotá Foundation (1,401+)
  • Catholic University of Colombia (1,401+)
  • Technological University of Bolívar (1,401+)
  • Technological University of Pereira (1,401+)
  • University of Caldas (1,401+)
  • University of Cartagena (1,401+)
  • University of Córdoba (1,401+)
  • De La Salle University (1,401+)
  • University of Medellín (1,401+)
  • University of Santander (UDES) (1,401+)
  • University of Cauca (1,401+)


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