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They presented the Provincial Plan to Strengthen Literacy

They presented the Provincial Plan to Strengthen Literacy

The Ministry of Education of the Province, through the Secretariat of Educational Planning and Innovation, advances in the actions established within the framework of the Rosario Vera Peñaloza Provincial Plan and the Literacy Strengthening Program. On this occasion, programs related to support for school coexistence were presented, among other lines of action.

The 11th Congress “New Learning Environments for Social Sciences” was held via streaming, aimed at the educational community of the Felipe Varela Department.

In this framework, the Secretary of Educational Planning and Innovation, Vanesa Navarro Martínez, presented the work that has been carried out in the area, both in the school context and also in formal and non-formal spaces for literacy. These actions are carried out with “students, families and the entire community close, or not, to the school,” explained the Education representative.

In this sense, “the devices of provincial programs such as ESI, reading plan and school libraries” were presented; achieving a “positive response and participation, interacting with multiple questions from the teachers, in relation to the various axes of the literacy program, from a comprehensive and intersectoral perspective,” added Navarro Martínez.

The Rosario Vera Peñaloza Provincial Plan and the Literacy Strengthening Program raise different challenges for the provincial state in relation to public education.


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