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A merchant is shot to death in Ricaurte, Nariño

In the Villanueva sector, in the municipality of Ricaurte, Nariño, the community is once again shaken by a senseless act of violence. On this occasion, the merchant Edwin Moran Acosta became the victim of a tragic event that has left the entire town shocked.

The events occurred in the last few hours, when Moran Acosta was traveling on his motorcycle from his commercial establishment to his home in the San Francisco sector. However, his path was abruptly interrupted by unknown individuals who, without saying a word, shot him dead.


Despite the efforts of neighbors to help him and transfer him to a nearby medical center, the merchant arrived without vital signs, plunging the community into deep sadness and dismay. Eyewitnesses report that Moran Acosta was the target of multiple shots, which shows the merciless violence with which his attackers acted.

This tragic event adds to a series of violent acts that have shaken the region in recent weeks. The previous week, a motorcycle taxi driver was also the victim of a similar attack, generating a climate of fear and insecurity among the inhabitants of Ricaurte.

So far, authorities have not been able to determine the motives that led to the murder of Moran Acosta or the exact circumstances surrounding his death. Faced with this uncertainty, family members and the community in general are crying out for justice and demanding clear answers that will clarify this unfortunate event and provide peace of mind to the population.

Security measures

The murder of Edwin Moran Acosta not only represents the loss of a loved one, but also a wake-up call about the urgent need to strengthen security measures in the region and to work to prevent the violence that continues to claim innocent lives.

It is important to note that Edwin Moran Acosta was known in the community for being a hard-working man dedicated to his business. His death has left a void in the hearts of those who knew and loved him, and his departure leaves a strong message about the fragility of life in an environment marked by violence.

The insecurity situation in Ricaurte and its surroundings is a cause of concern for local authorities and the entire population. Despite the efforts by the authorities to combat organized crime and guarantee citizen security, episodes of violence continue to occur, sowing fear and uncertainty among the population.

Crime prevention

Given this reality, it is essential that crime prevention strategies be intensified and actions are reinforced to dismantle the criminal structures that operate in the region. Furthermore, it is necessary to promote a culture of denunciation and citizen collaboration that allows those responsible for these atrocious acts to be identified and captured.

In this sense, local authorities and the community in general must work in a coordinated and committed manner to confront this scourge that causes so much damage to society. It is essential that comprehensive security policies be implemented that address the root causes of violence and promote the social and economic development of the region as an effective way to prevent crime and protect citizens. In memory of Edwin Moran Acosta and all the victims of violence in Nariño, it is necessary for the authorities to redouble their efforts and for society as a whole to unite in the fight to build a safer and more prosperous future for all. Only in this way can we honor his memory and prevent more families from suffering the pain of losing their loved ones in such a violent and heartbreaking way.

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