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Cáritas begins a new solidarity collection: how to make a donation

In Neuquén, the Bishop Fernando M. Croxatto invited, through a video, for the people of Neuquén to join: “I invite you, so that this month of charity, with this Caritas collectionwe can renew it with a lot of effort, with a lot of dedication to renew the hope of many brothers.

In addition, he encouraged everyone to participate to the extent they can, be it with “your material donation, be it your financial donation, be it also your time, your work, because many of you will also collaborate in this task of the Cáritas collection.” “.

In the context of the complex economic situation, Cáritas Argentina highlighted that We live in a time of serious social inequality Therefore, it calls for awareness that the transformation of this reality will only be possible with the commitment of everyone. “With this Collection, Cáritas invites society to make a concrete economic contributionwhich will have a direct impact on improving the living conditions of so many families and vulnerable people in the most neglected communities in the country,” they said.

Cáritas Argentina has more than 40,000 volunteers in 3,500 work teams in different parts of the country.

How to collaborate with the Cáritas Annual Collection?

There are different ways to collaborate, whether virtually without having to move or approaching one of the parishes in which the collection will be made.

One of the options is to do it through credit card, debit card, CBU, pagomiscuentas or Mercado Pago entering the Caritas page.

They can also be done bank transfers or deposits in the name of Cáritas Argentina to the following information:

ICBC Bank Current Account No. 0546-02000042/42

Headquarters Branch 0546

CBU 0150546702000000042422

In the name of: Cáritas Argentina – CUIT 30-51731290-4.


Likewise, for the receipt of cash donations Envelopes will be distributed and piggy banks will be deployed in parishes, chapels, missionary centers and public places such as squares, avenues or supermarkets, for those who want to do it in person.

Donations in Neuquén

Throughout the year, Cáritas Neuquén receives donations to CBU 09700 9941 3001 6052 60022 with the alias CARITASNEUQUEN.

In addition, there will be envelopes distributed in the “Cáritas communities”, which are many parishes, chapels, churches, spread throughout the province so that the population can approach the one closest to their home.

To know the different points, they can be viewed in the map shared by Cáritas in which each of the locations is seen.

In turn, throughout the year, they offer the options of making a one-time donation, making monthly donations or, if you are already a contributor, updating the amount. Everything can be done through the website.

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