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Pablo Yedlin: “Argentina does not have to go back to 2001” | Congress summoned Minister Pettovello to give explanations

The national deputy of Unión por la Patria (UxP) and president of the Social Action and Public Health commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Pablo Yedlinreferred to the summons that was made from that body to the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovelloto provide explanations about its management.

“In addition to producing laws, Congress has among its tasks that of controlling the Executive Branch, and that allows us to summon and question any public official. It is a common call. The former ministers (Carla) Vizzotti and (Adolfo) Rubinstein, among others, is not an unusual fact,” explained the Tucumán legislator in the 750.

In addition, he said that they appeal to Minister Pettovello’s willingness to approach the meeting in Congress, scheduled for next Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. “There are a series of irregularities that worry Argentinesbut more than this, that Justice will investigate it and tell us who the rugby players are, why they charged and where they sent the money and what happened to the tons of food and why this very inefficient delivery system was decided with the Army and with CONIN, the Commission has other questions: What is going to be the food policy of a Government that has doubled poverty in Argentina. Are they going to be just the AlimentaR cards? Well, we have to duplicate them. “Are they going to continue helping school cafeterias in the provinces, which have stopped doing them?” said Yedlin, regarding the reasons for the summons.

“And there are questions that have to do with the area of ​​Education, Work and more. What I would recommend to the minister is that she come to the Commission, because waiting to be questioned is not necessary. If she comes to the Commission, she answers the questions. questions, she has nothing to hide and is transparent in her answers, we will have finished this episode and we will be able to help her and the Government to continue managing in some way, the truth is that until now it has been very bad management in all areas “said the Tucumán deputy.

With the impetus of Peronists, radicals and federalists, the Social Action and Public Health commission of the Chamber of Deputies summoned Minister Pettovello to give explanations on Tuesday, June 11 at 1:30 p.m. on the scandals uncovered in recent weeks under its area: tons of food stored about to expire in two warehouses and the hiring, via the Organization of Ibero-American States, OEI, of several employees who were not going to work.

Asked about the direction of the national government, Yedlin indicated that he is concerned about the president’s management: “I don’t see him with the waist to adjust to a reality that is slipping out of his hands.“, he warned, before insisting on the lack of food policy on the part of the Executive.

“Nutrition in the first two years of life is essential for brain development. That cannot be recovered. There is an effort that the Argentine community must make—and is in a position to do so, because 2001 taught us how to do it—to ensure that no child becomes malnourished.. This can be done, Argentina has a very powerful social network where the ministries but also the social movements, Cáritas and the evangelical churches intervene, and we have tools that would allow the Government to stand from a position to say that this is not going to happen in the Argentina and that no one is going to suffer hunger,” Yedlin emphasized.

“Obviously the underlying solution is for Argentina to grow again and for prices to no longer outweigh income so that people begin to leave on their own, but this is not seen in the short term. Argentina does not have to return to 2001, because today the State has capabilities that it did not have in 2001.. And this hurts us. The inability to admit that there are things that the State does well (by the Government) hurts us,” he concluded.

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