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“We are going to win again in 2026”: Petro challenged the opposition after Duque’s proposal

Gustavo Petro, president

Photo: Juan Diego Cano

Colombia got up early for the 2026 presidential elections. This Thursday, the former president Iván Duque proposed forming a “great national alliance” to confront Petrism in that contest. A few hours later, President Gustavo Petro responded briefly through X: “they are scared.”

From Aguachica, in Cesar, the president deepened his response to Duque, stating that if all the traditional political forces in Colombia want to form a great alliance against him, it is because his Government must be doing something right and because they want to remove progressivism from power. .

“They’re scared. If everyone unites against me, it is because we are doing something good. And I say yes, why not? we will resist. Not necessarily on the flag and the photo of Petro, but of someone, a man or a woman, that I can say with confidence that it will continue and deepen“, he declared and again rejected the idea of ​​re-election.

“The problem is not re-election, let’s forget about that. In Mexico, the progressive government was not religated with the same name as President López Obrador, but with a social fighter like Claudia Sheinbaum,” she said from Aguachica, during the delivery of 494 hectares of land to 44 peasant families.

Furthermore, he mentioned that a new administration of Petrism, under the banners of another leader, would be free of mistakes made by “newbies”, carrying out reforms with greater wisdom, depth and speed for change in Colombia.” He concluded with the statement: “we will win again in 2026″.

These words arose after Duque’s proposal at the Asobancaria congress, where he urged that all possible presidential candidates in 2026 from independent and opposition sectors come to light and begin to consider the possibility of forming a great national republican alliance to said year.

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