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Gendarmerie kidnapped a package with cocaine hidden inside an abandoned wallet

June 6, 2024 – 15:56

The substance was found in a group from Jump which had as its final destination the province of Mendoza. The gendarmes inspected the transport, and detected that under the last seat there was a handbag containing a “brick” with drug.

In the early hours of today, members of the patrol of the “Catamarca” Core Squadron, when they were carrying out preventive controls on National Route No. 38 near the town of The mercythey confiscated a long-distance bus, which was traveling from the city of San Ramón de la Nueva Oran.

While the inspection was taking place, the uniformed officers observed that under a seat, there was a purse with no apparent owner. In the presence of witnesses, it was opened, finding inside a rectangular package wrapped in transparent film, which contained a compact white substance.

After carrying out the corresponding test, the result was positive. cocainewith a total weight of 1 kilo 215 grams.

The Federal Court of Catamarca and the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of Catamarca intervened, who ordered that the narcotic be seized in violation of Law 23,737.


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