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How much does it cost to travel to Paris from Colombia? Budget, requirements and more

Thousands of Colombians dream of traveling to France, a tourist destination that houses various points of interest, as well as a wide variety of gastronomic traditions, History and culture; In addition, its capital, Paris, is considered the ‘city of love’, where many tourists take the opportunity to propose in front of the Eiffel Tower.

The need to know the European country has increased even more now that the Paris Olympic Games from the Friday, July 26 to Sunday, August 11where Colombia is expected to have an outstanding participation like every year, adding 34 medals so far, five of them gold, from María Isabel Urrutia, Óscar Figueroa, Caterine Ibargüen and two from Mariana Pajon.

However, those who have plans to go to this country must comply with different requirements demanded by the local National Government. and comply with the rules of stay in any of the cities visited, this in order to avoid costly fines and even early expulsion by the competent authorities.

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Budget for traveling to Paris

The first thing to analyze to obtain the quote to France is the plane ticket, which you can buy from the airlines. Air Europa, Avianca, Air Canada, LATAM, Air France or Iberia.

All flights to the European country leave from Bogotá and you can buy them from $3,399,063 depending on the executive status of the airline. Likewise, costs will also be affected by the season in which you schedule your trip.

On the other hand, in terms of accommodation, you can find good options for 100 euros per night, and even discounts of 150 euros for three nightswith facilities through platforms such as Airbnbamong other.

Some of the main plans that you can make, in addition to those related to the Olympic Games, if that is your objective, you can choose to go mainly to the Eiffel Tower, to later reach the Louvre Museum, where the ‘Mona’ is exhibited. Lisa’.

Now, another of the unmissable points is the Loire Valley, a place classified as the ‘garden of France’, due to the multiple green areas that exist; additional, It hides several castles of Renaissance architecture that can be visited by hundreds of tourists.

Requirements for a Colombian to travel to Paris

According to what was reported by the French Embassy in Colombia, compatriots who have plans to go to the European country as tourists, You can do it with your valid passport If the stay is short-term, that is, 90 days for a period of 180 days, this due to the agreement that exists for the Schengen area; however, If the time exceeds what is indicated, they will be obliged to process a visa at least 15 days before the trip, but what other things are required? We tell you.

In addition to this document, the Colombian Foreign Ministry points out the different supports or papers that would be requested by the authorities of migration from said country; so, these are:

  • Air tickets back to the country of origin, in this case, Colombia.
  • Justification of the reason for the stay in the European country.
  • Demonstrate financial sufficiency for the time you will remain in France.
  • Travel insurance.

Also, the authorities will check that the foreigner is not reported in the inadmissibility alert system of the Schengen area and be considered as “a threat to public order, internal security, public health or international relations of any of the Member States,” adds the Foreign Ministry.

Additionally, during the entire stay they recommend carrying your passport and take care of the personal belongings of “pickpockets”, criminals who steal wallets and they even open tourists’ bags. In case of loss or theft of the passport or other important document, it is advisable to go immediately to the Colombian Consulate or Embassy to carry out the respective process.

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