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The father of the 9-year-old girl who put the child in the trunk of the car spoke: what did he say

After the commotion caused by the news, the driver from Santiago del Estero spoke who put his 9-year-old daughter in the trunk of his car and transported her locked up until he was discovered by the Córdoba Police in the town of Sinsacate.

The girl’s father said that “It was unconscious, but he needed money,” since he had to take passengers from the neighboring province to Córdoba and at the same time his little daughter, to earn a living.

See: Córdoba: They find a 9-year-old girl who was traveling in the trunk of the car

“I brought my baby in the trunk. It was my unconsciousness but I had to bring it no matter what; “She was on the brink of death for eight days,” she justified.

“I had passengers to bring: two with a medical shift and two for work, and I needed money. I decided to put her to bed in the trunk, in a Citroën Xsara. Is big. She had been asking (her daughter) how she was; “The passengers knew,” the man said.

According to her story, “in a tire shop in Jesús María she wanted to go to the bathroom. I put her down and a police cell phone looks at me. It flashes at me. They ask for my documentation. I didn’t have her document, she had left it at home They searched the passengers, the car. The issue was that they started with one thing, another, taking photos and I started to worry,” he told. Chain 3.

The man said that he was “aware” of the risk of transporting his little daughter in a closed trunk, even if a vehicle hit him from behind: “I am aware, but in Santiago del Estero you don’t win crazy things. A teacher has to work a double shift to earn what a teacher earns in Córdoba,” he tried to justify himself again.

Furthermore, he defended himself by stating: “I was a road driver, I know how to drive. “I took the risk and I am standing up.” Later she said she took her daughter to a hospital: “She’s okay, they checked her out. “I brought her because I was worried.”

The 36-year-old man was accompanied by four other passengers, all from Santiago del Estero, when he was intercepted by the Córdoba Police.

It should be remembered that, when the officers inspected the trunk of the car, they were surprised to find that the driver’s daughter was inside. They notified the Secretariat for Children and Adolescents (Senaf) of the situation, which took part in the case.

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