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The food scandal impacts Neuquén with thousands of kilos of milk

“From unofficial information that has reached me, I believe that no, that we have been left out. On Tuesday of this week I entered three requests for a total of 4,280 kilos of milk for the first two organizations of the west of Neuquén. Somehow they gave me hope that they would be attended to and the others, since they entered a little later, because I received the information also a little late, they stayed there. Yesterday (Wednesday) I sent other audios to the foundation, to see if they will respond to the four requests we presented or at least some of them, and I did not receive a response. “We wouldn’t be on the list.”commented Hector Rimarothe local reference of the foundation.

food scandal

Financial sphere

He expressed himself extremely disappointed and at the same time stated: “If that were the case, We apologize to all those who run the dining rooms and picnic areas in the western area of ​​Neuquén, with whom I contacted and in some way I also nourished them with the hope of receiving this precious food such as milk. Now we will have to rethink how we continue from now on.”

One of the affected picnic areas is located in Cuenca XV, where the solidarity task is enormous. Natalia Brizuela runs a community kitchen in the neighborhood’s SUM that responds to thousands of neighbors. The largest amount of powdered milk was destined for that area of ​​the city. Another of the social leaders affected by the food scandal is Cuca Aila, well known for rescuing kids from drugs and promote sports among them, on the Pérez Novella and Néstor Barros soccer fields; who in turn runs a dining room and does an excellent job. The other social leader harmed by this situation works for Barriletes en Bandadaadded to Caritas, the renowned organization who opened a breakfast room for homeless people In the cathedral from this city.

I apologize to all of them if this does not ultimately come to fruition. We still have a thread of hope for something to arrive,” Rimaro concluded, speaking to Channel 7.

How is the distribution in other provinces?

In the general distribution to dining rooms and picnic areas organized by the Child Nutrition Cooperator (Conin), Neuquén does not appear.

TO Mendoza They will send 48% of the total, an amount of 191 thousand kilos; to Between rivers, they assigned 92 thousand (23%); to Tucuman 69 thousand kilos (17%); to Chaco 39 thousand kilos will arrive; to Cordova 30,840 kilos; Santa Fe with 10 thousand kilos, while Currents It weighs 9,400 kilos. Some provinces of Nea such as Misiones and Formosa will not receive anything.

The list continues with 8 thousand kilos of powdered milk for Land of Firewith 8 thousand kilos, for Black river 4 thousand kilos will be allocated; Jump with 2,300; San Juan with 800; The Pampa with barely 600 kilos and Santiago del Estero, 590 kilos. In Buenos Aires Only 5,993 kilos will be distributed, 2% taking into account that more than 10 million people live in the Buenos Aires suburbs alone.

In this way, the National Government complied with the demand of Justice for the food that was about to expire, stored in two warehouses run by the Ministry of Human Capital. In total, there are 465 thousand kilos of powdered milk, which expire in August.

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