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Violent assault suffered by a customer at the Farmers’ Market; They stole a millionaire loot from him

Two heavily armed individuals perpetrated a violent assault against a customer at the Santa Fe Producers and Suppliers Market, beating him, shooting him and taking a million-dollar sum of cash.

The incident was learned minutes before 2 p.m. when the sound of gunshots altered the area of ​​the Los Polígonos Industrial Park.

According to the testimony of a witness, two men dressed in black were seen running towards the ring road in the direction of a nearby country, whose name was not specified.

The witness reported that the men had left the industrial park. In response to the notice, police resources were sent to the scene and several police stations were alerted, including offices in Santo Tomé and Esperanza.

See also“My family no longer exists, it was destroyed”, the dramatic confession of Graciela Brondino

Almost simultaneously with this situation, the chief officer of the Santa Fe Fruit, Vegetable and Vegetable Producers and Suppliers Market Detachment confirmed that it was a robbery.

He added that two armed men robbed a stall holder, taking a box and a black briefcase with three closures, containing approximately 20 million pesos and 9 thousand dollars.

The robbers, aged between 30 and 35, escaped on foot, jumping a weave and running west along the ring road.

The police continue with the investigations and the deployment of operations in the area to find those responsible for the robbery.

“No man’s land”

“What happened was tremendous. The most serious thing that happened in the entire history of the Market”affirmed María Teresa Ruta, former director and former president of the Chamber of Fruteros, in dialogue with El Litoral.

“There were two criminals. The incident occurred at the back of the Market, the one facing Recreo. There they surprised this man when he was getting out of his vehicle. He is a historic client. A very dear person. His father also worked with us “They are all natives of Rafaela.”

“The man resisted and that’s when the criminals fired a couple of shots. I think they shot into the air to scare him. Then they started hitting him in the head with rifle butts until they took the keys. They opened the trunk and took all the money.” .

“Then the client was assisted in the infirmary that we have here in the Market. We wanted to take him to the hospital but he didn’t want to. I’m afraid because he was very shocked,” he revealed.

“Banknotes never again”

Later, the leader expressed that “what happened does not require a drastic change in the way we work. We will no longer have to handle money. We will talk to the banks. But from now on everything will be done by transfer. Money in There won’t be any more cash here,” he said.

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