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The awarding of the Supía road, Caldas, is suspended again


The awarding of the Supía-Caramanta road is suspended again, which had already been awarded to the Road Corridors Consortium, who had won this process after proving that his competitor had won the tender with a false document from an engineer. Now another company has sued and the award has been suspended again.

The awarding of 8 kilometers of the Supía Caramanta road has become a legal novel. On April 24, the Legal Secretary of Caldas, of the Government Sandra Milena Ramírez, called a press conference to announce the irregularities that the company that initially won the Consorcio Vial Asfalto contract had, which apparently presented false documents from an engineer. Faced with this scenario, a new bidding process began, which Consorcio Corredores Viales won and until then everything seemed to end, but recently the tender was sued by Consorcio Ingeniería Inaz, who argues that the company that won the tender does not have the experience to win the process. Given this, we consulted the Secretary of Infrastructure of Caldas, Cristián Arroyave, who indicated that he cannot intervene in particular disputes.

It is expected that today or tomorrow the legal mess involving the awarding of the Supía – Caramanta road will be decided.

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