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They guarantee the permanence of the PAE in the capital of Nariño

In an effort to guarantee the well-being and comprehensive development of Pastusa children, the municipal Education Secretariat held the First Public Table of the School Feeding Program, PAE, a crucial space to inform the educational community about the management and benefits of this program.

Since the beginning of the school year, the Secretariat has ensured school meals for more than 44 thousand students enrolled in the official sector, with the primary objective of ensuring their permanence in the classrooms.


This commitment is reflected in the 47 educational institutions and 138 locations that are part of the program in the urban and rural areas of the municipality, offering nutritious and balanced foods that contribute to the physical and mental development of the students.

The Undersecretary of Educational Coverage, Álvaro Rodríguez Naspirán, highlighted during the event that “from the Ministry of Education, we have carried out the corresponding steps to provide an optimal service”, underlining the entity’s commitment to the student community.


The active participation of key figures such as Nilse Eraso Bolaños, coordinator of the Inem Educational Institution, in the Public Table, shows the interest in solving problems and addressing concerns related to the service.

Bolaños emphasized. «The School Feeding Program is essential for our children, since many of them do not have sufficient resources for a healthy diet. “This project gives them access to essential food benefits.”

For her part, the PAE operator, María Cristina Montenegro, highlighted the importance of training operators in good manufacturing practices, thus ensuring the quality and safety of the food served to students.

The socialization carried out during the Public Table allowed the educational community to learn first-hand about the progress and structure of the program, which seeks to guarantee optimal coverage in student nutrition.


Jackeline Martínez, mother, highlighted the importance of these processes to ensure that the food delivered is in good condition and of quality, essential for the educational development of minors.

All students are called to use the school restaurants and benefit from the PAE, covering basic needs that are essential for their adequate educational development.

The Pasto Education Secretariat reaffirms its commitment to the well-being and education of students, promoting an environment conducive to their integral growth.

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