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Julia Cibrián: The great dictator

It would be necessary to have a serene, documented and profound knowledge to argue a judgment about the State of Israel. His current belligerence has not been born now, his virulence seems to be requalified every time a new skirmish baptizes a war: the Six Days, the Yom Kippur, of the understandable intifadas, of the unforgivable slaughters. Burned Palestinian land. More Palestinian Arabs dead, thousands more than Palestinian Jews fallen. The account of each day’s atrocity provokes astonishment. This is not possible, this is not happening. It appears in the news as a bad play starring a cocky character, who boasts of an almost jovial cruelty. An individual “who, if pricked, bleeds; If they tickle him, he laughs; If they offend him, he takes revenge. Phrases from Shylock, the evil merchant of Venice whom Shakespeare could not imagine so brutal. This great dictator has his own name that will be interchangeable if the clan’s strategy demands it. He is Western, cultured, one of us, Jewish. Jew. The nickname contaminates the world stage with the persistence of a subconscious of guilt for a hyper-publicized event, an inexhaustible source of stories based on real events that sometimes bury incompatible arguments under their emotional weight. The benevolence of a post-traumatic pity has encouraged and tolerated a pampered conflict with weapons of “mass destruction.” If reason creates monsters, bad conscience exalts them.

It is clear that a large part of modern heritage, science, medicine, finance, architecture, fine arts, cinema, literature, agriculture – such an Arab heritage – is nourished by the lights that have emerged from that human group that claims to be a people. chosen one. A heritage that underlies the ancient knowledge that the Arab peoples saved and transferred with their passion for wisdom and their effort. Glorious times of Maimonides and Averroes, Jews and Arabs among Christians, influential and respected, partners in the common enterprise.

Camps, international condemnations and mandates at the highest level will hardly stop the killing. Their gods would tell them to stop and they wouldn’t stop. The gods are not for an example either. The Bible, the sacred book of the three religions, is not exactly a pacifist pamphlet. Countless like the sands of the desert are the dead/killed that parade through its pages. «And that night the Angel of the Lord went out and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians; in the morning they were all corpses” (Book of Kings).

«Their gods would tell them to stop and they would not stop. The gods are not for an example either. “The Bible is not exactly a pacifist pamphlet.”

Every dawn the same tear survives. A dry tear because crying and complaining does not drown out weapons. Among so many bombs, so much deadly shrapnel, the liberating admonition of Charles Chaplin echoes in his Charlot regurgitated from Nazism: «Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our intelligence, hard and dry. We think too much and feel too little. More than machines, we need humanity. More than intelligence, kindness and sweetness. Without these qualities life will be violent. “Everything will be lost.” Too many have already lost it.

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