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Fruit growers speak out on statements by the Chinese Ambassador in Chile and surcharges on Chinese steel – Simfruit

After the presentation made, before the national Congress, by the Chinese Ambassador to Chile, Niu Qingbao, regarding the measure adopted by the Anti-Distortion Commission that determined the application of temporary surcharges on Chinese steel; The president of Frutas de Chile, Iván Marambio, indicated: “We share what was said by the Chinese ambassador, regarding that the measure applied is due more to a political response than a technical one, and for this reason, it is necessary that in the face of this type of “When decisions are made, all the background information from both parties is put on the table for the corresponding technical analysis and actions are taken accordingly.”

Furthermore, the leader of the fruit growers indicated that “although we understand and sympathize with the serious situation of the workers in this industry, we believe that the measure of imposing surcharges is a protectionist measure, which not only goes against the rules of international trade. “But it does not solve the underlying problem of Chilean steel, which has a greater relationship with the loss of competitiveness derived from the lack of technological updating, among others.”

Likewise, the president of Frutas de Chile said he shared “that these types of differences must seek a solution through conflict resolution mechanisms that enhance dialogue and agreements between both countries, as has historically happened with each trading partner.”

Finally, regarding a possible retaliation by China, Iván Marambio pointed out: “We do not believe that this will occur, since with China we have good and close relations, not only commercial, but also friendship. Furthermore, Ambassador Niu Qingbao himself made it clear, during his presentation at Congress, by pointing out that China respects the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).”



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