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Josefina Padellaro, from Catriel to France and with the Olympic dream intact

Josefina Padellaro made history with Mayra Genghini as the first Rio Negros to be summoned to the Argentina Rugby Sevens Team. In this season she returned after three years and shared the experiences of his return in dialogue with «Get on the Podium» by RN Radio.

“It was an unforgettable experience, I had been talking to the coach for quite some time. I’m very happy, I really wanted to be there.”highlighted the player born in Catriel.

Last year, Padellaro suffered a knee injury and she had to have surgery, which left her off the field for several months. «The rehabilitation was very good, “I did it without going crazy, with clear objectives,” he said.

Between her last time with the Yaguaretés in 2021 and her return this year, the Rio Negro found another selection. «Everything has changed a lot, the girls have matured a lot “As a team, they received me very well,” he said.

Argentina’s next great challenge will be Monaco Olympic Qualifying to dispute the June 21, 22 and 23. 12 countries play it and only one classifies to the Paris Olympic Games. The national team shares a group with Samoa, Papua New Guinea and Kenya.

«It’s going to be difficult, Sevens is very physical and the one who lasts the longest usually wins. But The team knows what it wants, we no longer go to tournaments to see what happens» he valued.

Padellaro trained in Catriel and also went through Neuquen Rugby. From there he had his chance in the National Team and the jump to Europe, first in Milan and then in Paris.

«At first it was difficult to live here, but now I am very happy, I have my VISA and all the papers in order. “I live near the club, work and study,” she said.

The black man passed through Cus Milano and now he plays in the Stade Francais. There they play traditional 15-a-side rugby, a difference from Argentina where women only play sevens.

«I received a message from a person who was looking for players to go abroad. I doubted it because at that time if you went outside it was difficult for you to continue in the National Team. My sports psychologist was the one who ended up opening my mind to encourage me«, he counted.

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Listen to Josefina Padellaro on “Subite al Podio” on RN Radio

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