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Due to the crisis, food assistance in the province increased by 30%: “Rosario is the place with the greatest demand”

The government of Santa Fe released this Thursday a preview of the audit it has been carrying out on the soup kitchens and community spaces that receive assistance from the province. According to the data released, In Rosario, 45 supposed institutions were closed, but due to the crisis, another 72 were incorporated.

According to the estimate they have in the Ministry of Human Development, at the beginning of the year the government of Santa Fe assisted 325 thousand people through the soup kitchens; that number has increased considerably in recent times. “In this last month that has increased between 25 and 30 percent. Rosario is the place with the greatest demand,” said Minister Victoria Tejeda.

As a result of this situation, the Executive highlighted that the budget allocations allocated to food policies increased by more than 80 percent. “To take the dimension of what we are investing, we are talking about 2 billion pesos per month that the province is contributing through the different programs,” explained the Secretary of Inclusion Policies and Social Approaches, Ramón Soques.

As an example, the official referred to the 10 thousand kilos of powdered milk that the National government sent to the province to distribute in canteens linked to the Conin foundation. “Those 10 thousand kilos are good to be distributed but it is something negligible with what the province has been contributing,” he asserted.

Regarding the dining rooms with irregularities, Tejeda explained: “We have cut what we considered did not meet the requirements to be part of the food programs.”

In general terms, The audit throughout the province has already reached 481 dining rooms and milk glasses. “222 are from Rosario, 259 from the north center. We have detected canteens and institutions that work very well but unfortunately they alson we found 160 spaces that did not exist or they did not carry out the function for which agreements had been made with the province,” the official added.

Regarding non-existent places, Tejeda maintained that in many cases they found vacant land or abandoned spaces. “Unfortunately, with the economic and social situation the country is going through, these things cannot happen,” he lamented.

Regarding the situation in Rosario, the ministry highlighted that it is one of the areas of the province with the greatest food demand. This made, Simultaneously with the closure of irregular spaces, agreements begin to be signed with other institutions that offered food rations to vulnerable sectors, but did not have assistance from the State.

“We did not start a witch hunt, what we started was a survey. We are going to each of the places and we find many surprises. and also with some slight problems such as surrenders that have to do with the State’s failure to demand that type of thing. Many were able to be rehabilitated because they caught up,” the Human Development team clarified.

In that sense, they added: “We are not here to stigmatize the organizations that work with. well, because they are our allies in the territory”.

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