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In the country the loss of jobs was 0.8% between December and February. Our province registers 1.7% and is among the 14 that

In it ranking of provinces with the greatest drop in employment appears The Rioja and with growth two: Salta and Mendoza. In the middle San Juan with 1.7% according to an official report.
The economic recession goes deeper into Argentina and with her destruction of both private and public employment. With the arrival of the libertarian liberal economist Javier Milei to the Government, between the months of December and Februaryit is estimated that 53,000 jobs were lost (-0.8%) in the private sector, according to the report by Nadin Argañaraz, based on data from the OEDE-Ministry of Labor.

In public employment the situation is not more auspicious, the president himself outlines that the losses reach 70,000 positions as of May and will continue to be adjusted, which is even observed as an achievement by the Executive itself.

X-ray of employment in the provinces
In an x-ray of what was province by province, only in two there was an increase in employment (Salta and Mendoza) while throughout the rest of the country employment fell sharply. In 14 jurisdictions the drop was even greater than the average.

The four jurisdictions with the greatest drop in employment were The Rioja (-4.9%), Missions (-4.3%), Formosa (-4.2%) and Santiago del Estero (-3.8%). In these provinces, the influence of the brake on public worksas well as the consumption drop. Although La Rioja is the one that had the greatest percentage drop, in Misiones the greatest destruction of jobs was recorded, generating a loss of 4,700 people.

Meanwhile, of the large jurisdictions, Cordova It was where there was the smallest relative drop in employment until February. For its part, the Buenos aires city It was also well below the global average, ranging down 0.1%. Buenos Aires, meanwhile, was 0.4 percentage points from the average.


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