Euro ES Euro

How much is it trading this Thursday, June 5?

He blue dollar today in Mendoza lived a day of tranquility in which the prices of the previous day were maintained after a round of decline.

This Thursday, the blue dollar was offered in the Mendoza caves at $1,254 for sale and $1,230 for purchase, same values ​​as Wednesday.

The official dollar did have variations, and at the close of the day, the boards showed it in $930.29 for sale (up $6.19) and $880.55 for purchase (down $0.40).

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This Thursday the rise of the blue dollar stopped.

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The blue dollar and the rest of the financial quotes

Free dollars seem to have stopped their run and are seeking a new equilibrium. The blue dollar was stable in the Buenos Aires caves and financiers corrected some pesos downwards after the upward pressure they suffered last week and at the beginning of this one.

The blue dollar operated without changes in the city of Buenos Aires and was sold at $1,220 for the purchase and $1,250 for the sale. During the week it has risen by $25 pesos, but on Wednesday it corrected $15 and this Thursday it remained stable.

In the case of financial institutions, the MEP dollar fell $7.92 to settle at $1,275.17. In this way, it corrects part of the rise on Monday and Tuesday. However, during the week it appreciated 4.9% or $59. The gap with the wholesale dollar is 42%.

Regarding Cash with settlement, it also traded slightly lower. The implicit exchange rate in shares fell 0.23% or $2.95 to settle at $1,301.41 pesos. Just above $1,300 it is the most expensive free exchange rate on the market. During the week it advanced 4.33% or $54. The gap is 44.9%.

A curious case is that of the wholesale dollar that this Thursday gave up 50 cents. It is the first casualty since December 11, 2023. With this drop, it closed the day at $898.

The value of the bill in Banco Nación is $918 and in the average of the banks it is $938.14.

The BCRA ended the round with purchases for US$20 million in the exchange market.

So far in June it has accumulated purchases of US$126 million and since December 2023 it has totaled US$17,372 million.

The volume traded on Thursday was US$278 million, the highest of the week, although it is still too low for the levels it should have at this time of year.

Gross reserves advanced 50 million dollars to US$29,416 million.


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