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From Huila to the cups of the world

Ruber Bustos Ramirez

Today I want to share with you a tool that, as coffee growers, we must know, value and make the most of: the CAFIX export platform, offered by the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC). This platform is not just another tool, it is a golden opportunity that gives us the possibility of taking the fruit of our hard work to new lands, to new people, to new hearts.

Our coffee, the one we grow with so much love and dedication, deserves to be known in every corner of the world. However, we know how difficult it can be for many of us small producers to deal with high shipping costs and uncertainty about how our product will get to its destination. This is where CAFIX becomes our invaluable ally.

The CAFIX platform opens the doors to the international market in a direct, agile and competitive way. Imagine being able to sell our coffee in the United States and, soon, anywhere in the world, without the obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. Now, we can export small quantities, from 5 to 60 kg of green coffee and from 5 to 50 kg of processed coffee, directly to our clients, at a price that we agree with them. This is a true game changer for our farms, our families, our lives.

The excitement of knowing that our coffee can reach places as far away as Japan, Korea or China, thanks to CAFIX, is indescribable. Germán Bahamón, the general manager of the Federation, has set his sights on China as a key commercial objective, which shows us the immense growth potential that we have within our reach. This is more than an economic opportunity, it is a recognition of the quality and effort we put into each coffee bean.

To join CAFIX, we only need to be registered in the FNC’s coffee information database -SICA- and register as users of the platform. This is a simple process that will allow us to focus on what really matters: growing and exporting our high-quality coffee.

Daniel Pajoy, the leader of CAFIX, has indicated that his objective is to democratize coffee exports, giving us all the opportunity, regardless of the size of our farms, to connect directly with our customers abroad. This democratization is vital for our growth and the sustainability of our farms and families. It is a step towards a future where each Colombian coffee bean can reach where it deserves to be: in the hands of those who appreciate and value it.

In addition, we have the support of Almacafé, the Federation’s logistics center, which ensures that our coffee arrives in the best possible conditions at its destination. This guarantee gives us peace of mind that our efforts will not be in vain and that our coffee will maintain its quality from the moment it leaves our hands until it reaches the buyer’s.

Coffee grower friends, this is our opportunity. Let’s value and use CAFIX. It is the bridge that will allow us to take our coffee, our passion, our legacy, to every corner of the planet.

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